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Self-Reliance 2018 Conference

Date: 16th October 2018  

Location: Radisson Blu Béke Hotel


  • The savings market scene through the eyes of Hungarian top executives
  • The self-provision and savings market in Hungary as seen by the central bank
  • Roundtable of regional experts on the European self-provision market
  • What opportunities do young Hungarians have regarding self-provision?
  • Hectic markets, overheated stock exchanges: what do fund managers and private banks offer to those looking to protect their savings?
  • Picking an online portfolio: the rise of online private bankers and robot consultants
  • The future of pension insurance, product innovation, digitalisation
  • Employer payments and individual contributions: are the tables turning at voluntary pension funds?
  • Fintech companies in self-provision: introducing new solutions

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Árgyelán Ágnes
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Barcza György
Government Debt Management Agency
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Bedő Tibor
Founder / CEO
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Benczédi Balázs
Diófa Alapkezelő
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Bilibók Botond
Hold Alapkezelő
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Biró Gergely
OTP Real Estate Fund Management
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Ditróy Gergely
Business Development Director
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Dobó Mátyás
Enterprise Business Unit Director
Vodafone Magyarország
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Dymschiz Doron
Duna House
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Fischer Bálint
Chief Business Development Officer
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Gaál Csaba
Private Quality Pénzügyi Tanácsadó Zrt.
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Gerendás János
Hungarian National Bank
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Halmai Attila
Founder & CEO
Fundastik Kft.
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Harmati László
Deputy CEO
Erste Bank
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Jocó bácsi (Balatoni József)
History teacher
XV. kerületi Kontyfa Általános Iskola, Szakiskola és Középiskola
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Kállay András
Partner, member of board
Raiffeisen Bank International
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Kovács Péter
Strategic Program and Project manager
Generali Biztosító
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Nagy Csaba
OTP Önkéntes Nyudíjpénztár, Member of Pensions Europe IT
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Nagy Koppány
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Dr. Pandurics Anett
Posta Biztosító (Chairman-CEO)
MABISZ (Chairman)
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Dr. Pápay Zoltán
Head of Market Management
Allianz Hungária Zrt.
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Parádi-Varga Tamás
SPB Befektetési Zrt.
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Scharek Zoltán MRICS
‎Deputy CEO
Raiffeisen Investment Fund Management
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Somogyi Péter
Retail Business Development Head
Magyar Bankholding
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Szabó Sándor
MKB Private Banking
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Tátrai Bernadett
President - CEO, President of the Board
Fundamenta-Lakáskassza Zrt.
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Tóth István
Segment Manager for Digital Services
MagNet Bank Zrt.
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Vajda Éva
Partner - Manager
iWebMa Magyarország
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Vavrek Zsolt
Equilor Befektetési Zrt.

Why you should come?

According to the latest analysis by the OECD, by 2050 there will be 53 retired people for 100 active workers, compared to a one in three ratio in 2015. This presents challenges to the state pension system, as maintaining the present level of pensions and quality of life of pensioners will become increasingly difficult in an ageing society with a dwindling workforce.
As a result, retirement savings and self-provision will play an increasingly important role, something few people recognise: the membership of voluntary pension funds has been unchanged for years, demand for retirement savings accounts is falling, and only pension insurances have grown in the past year.  
The capital market environment is not making things easier for players in the savings market, either: following an outstanding year in 2017, they now have to produce substantial yields for their customers in a much more hectic capital market. Although premium banks and private banks have increased both their customer base and the assets managed, customers are clearly concerned about geopolitical tensions, overheated stock markets and rising inflation.
Service providers who want to reach attractive yields even among these market conditions will have to be open to alternative and often riskier investment opportunities, while the digital transition is in full swing and fintech companies and startups offering innovative savings and self-provision solutions are popping up in large numbers to join the traditional players in the market.
Portfolio's conference on self-provision, held this year for the eighth time, will focus on topics including the effects of demographics and labour shortage on pensions and retirement savings, the self-provision solutions of neighbouring countries, the opportunities and challenges that fund managers and private banks face, or the latest developments in the pension fund and insurance markets, while fintech companies offering savings and self-provisioning solutions will also be introduced.


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Who we recommend

  • Insurance companies
  • insurance intermediaries
  • Banks
  • Private banks
  • Premium bank businesses
  • Fund mangers
  • Consultants
  • Lawyers
  • Pension funds
  • Welfare funds
  • Building societies

Our Sponsors

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

In association with


Advocate Business Consulting Kft., Aegon Befektetési Alapkezelő, Aegon Magyarország Általános Biztosító Zrt., AEGON Magyarország Lakástakarékpénztár Zrt., AEGON Magyarország Pénztárszolgáltató Zrt., ÁKK Zrt., Allianz Hungária Zrt., Allianz Investmentbank AG, BAMOSZ, Brokerchooser, Budapest Alapkezelő Zrt., Budapest Bank Zrt., CIB Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., CIG Pannónia Életbiztosító Nyrt., Citibank Europe plc Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Concorde Értékpapír Zrt., Dialóg Alapkezelő Zrt., Diófa Alapkezelő, Dorsum, Duna House Holding Nyrt., Equilor Befektetési Zrt., Erste Alapkezelő Zrt., Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., Erste Befektetési Zrt., Erste Group, Esentis Kft., Fókusz Takarékszövetkezet, Fundamenta-Lakáskassza Zrt., Fundastik Kft., Futureal, Generali Biztosító Zrt., Groupama Biztosító Zrt., Hold Alapkezelő Zrt., Hungária Med-M Kft., Invitech, IWebMa Magyarország, K&H Bank, K&H Biztosító Zrt., MABISZ, MagNet Bank Zrt., Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Magyar Posta Zrt., Magyar Takarékszövetkezeti Bank Zrt., Magyar Telekom, Medicons, MKB Private Banking, MKB-Pannónia Alapkezelő Zrt, Nemzeti Eszközkezelő Zrt., NN Biztosító Zrt., OTP Bank Nyrt., OTP Önkéntes Nyudíjpénztár, OVB Vermögensberatung Kft., Önkéntes Pénztárak Országos Szövetsége, Private Quality Pénzügyi Tanácsadó Zrt., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Raiffeisen Investment Fund Management, Richter Nyugdíjpénztár, SIGNAL IDUNA Biztosító Zrt., SPB Befektetési Zrt., Takarékbank Zrt., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., UNIQA Biztosító Zrt., XV. kerületi Kontyfa Általános Iskola, Szakiskola és Középiskola...


GALLERY | 33 pictures
Öngondoskodás 2018


Organisation, general questions

Gábor Ócsai
  • Gábor Ócsai
  • rendezvényszervező
  • Phone: +36 1 472 2095


Judit Lippai
  • Judit Lippai
  • Key account sales partner
  • Phone: 06/30 311 87 02
  • Email:
Csilla Kiss
  • Csilla Kiss
  • Phone: +36 20 287 3256
  • Email:
Zoltán Schultz
  • Zoltán Schultz
  • key account sales partner
  • Phone: +36 20 319 9024
  • Email:
  • Barbara Takács


Ágnes Árgyelán
  • Ágnes Árgyelán
  • Analyst
  • Phone: +36-70-391-1588
  • Email:
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