Hungarian healthcare is under transformation, and actors are trying to adapt to the new matrix, that is, who will/can play what role in the future. In the meantime, in the new macroeconomic environment, companies are recalculating due to higher energy costs and the fall in purchasing power due to the economic slowdown. A big question is what will happen to consolidation in such a situation and how single companies and company groups can be evaluated.
08:55 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:40
In transformation – Which way is ahead? Mini panel discussion with Hungarian experts with a view on international trends.
Moderator: Dr Attila Végh, CEO, Eurohealth Ltd.
Conversation participants:
09:40 - 09:45
Panel opening speech
Speaker: Dr. Lajos Károly Fábián, társelnök, Vállalkozók és Munkáltatók Országos Szövetsége (VOSZ), Egészségügyi Tagozat elnöke, társ-alapító részvényes és elnök, TritonLife Csoport
09:45 - 10:40
The present and future of Hungarian healthcare
Moderator: Gergely Csiki, Chief editor, Portfolio
Conversation participants:
The largest private healthcare providers are enjoying strong and stable growth with continued increases in care fees, building on sustained demand, but the energy crisis, rising wage costs, and faltering purchasing power are increasingly eating into their profits. And if all this were not enough, it is also becoming more and more expensive to finance operations and expansion, and the publicly funded healthcare system is being reformed. Those who can become stronger in this difficult situation might even take it to the next level in the next few years in the private healthcare market, while the rest will face serious challenges in an increasingly competitive environment.
10:55 - 11:10
The transparent and efficient coexistence of public and private healthcare services – the example of Szeged.
Speaker: Dr. Judit Fendler, Chancellor, Szegedi Tudományegyetem
11:10 - 11:25
Where does the Hungarian patient heal and how much does it cost? Why and how does one choose a private service provider?
Speaker: Balázs Kertész, Managing Director, Consultant - Owner, Szinapszis Market Research & Consulting
11:25 - 11:40
The digital transformation of private healthcare service providers
Speaker: Péter Gáspár, CEO, Medio MedTech Zrt.
11:40 - 12:30
Competition in the private healthcare market: for the patients, for the doctor – Leaders’ roundtable discussion
Moderator: Fanni Straub, alapító, ügyvezető,
Conversation participants:
Employers, employees, state, insurers, private service providers, care managers, intermediaries and patient path managers. They make the healthcare system work, we depend on each other. By allowing private healthcare to operate at this level, and with the public making significant contributions to healthcare through private spending, the public sector is alleviated and even contributions are left in the system. How can this be brought under control, even by encouraging private financing, with a kind of self-care approach?
13:30 - 13:45
The impact of the crisis on the structure of healthcare expenditures, what can private healthcare expect?
Speaker: Dr. Péter Váradi, Managing Director, Prémium Pénztárcsoport, Prémium Pénztárszolgáltató Kft.
13:45 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:15
How long can it be unprofitable? Health insurance market in 2023 - new solutions on the horizon!
Speaker: Iván Balázs, Insurance Expert,
14:15 - 15:05
How does the patient recover in the Hungarian healthcare system? - A roundtable discussion
Moderator: János Bartók, CEO, UNION-Érted Ellátásszervező Kft.
Conversation participants:
If we have money, high technology is at our disposal. Technology, modern tools, and AI-enabled systems alone are not enough. The relationship between the doctor and the patient is still at the centre.
15:20 - 15:35
The Legal Challenges of Applying Artificial Intelligence in the HealthTech World
Speaker: dr. János Kopasz, ügyvéd, adatvédelmi szakértő, Taylor Wessing Hungary
15:35 - 15:50
15:50 - 16:05
Code & Care - Digital transformation in private healthcare
Speaker: Dóra Szabó, Head of Marketing and Innovation, Prima Medica Group
16:05 - 16:55
From healthcare maze to digital and online solutions - Is this already a reality in Hungary?
Moderator: Dr. András Kulja,
Conversation participants:
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