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Private Health Forum 2023

Date: 19th September 2023  

Location: Marriott Hotel, Budapest


  • The state of Hungarian healthcare, its outlook, plans regarding publicly financed care
  • The future of public hospitals, the income situation of the workforce, public wage regulation and its impact
  • The scope for the domestic private healthcare sector in the new matrix
  • The biggest private healthcare providers’ plans
  • Expected evolution of demand for private services: will prices skyrocket?
  • Presenting our special and unique survey about the domestic healthcare market
  • Operation challenges: energetics, investment, development, workforce, euro-forint exchange rate, digitalisation, cost-efficiency
  • What are insurers and health insurance funds preparing for?
  • Can quality be measured in healthcare, and if so, how?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Dr. Babai László
Founder, CEO
Prima Medica EgészségKözpont
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Balázs Iván
Insurance Expert
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Bartók János
UNION-Érted Ellátásszervező Kft.
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Dr. Békássy Szabolcs
Founding Chairman
Háziorvosok Online Szervezete
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Dr. Csernavölgyi István
CEO, Internist, Chief Cardiologist
Budai Egészségközpont Zrt.
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Csiki Gergely
Chief editor
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Dr. Fábián Lajos Károly
Chairman of Healthcare Dept. at National Association of Employers & Entrepreneurs (VOSZ)
Chairman & Co-founder at TritonLife Group
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Dr. Fendler Judit
Szegedi Tudományegyetem
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Ficzere Andrea
Director General
Uzsoki Hospital
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Gáspár Péter
Medio MedTech Zrt.
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Gyarmati János
CEO, Owner
HUNIKO - Group, Smart Diganostics
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Dr. Karai Gábor
Managing Director
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Karli Péter
Heal Partners
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Kertész Balázs
Managing Director, Consultant - Owner
Szinapszis Market Research & Consulting
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Dr. Kirschner András
Managing Director, Medical Director
Swiss Medical Services
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dr. Kopasz János
Taylor Wessing Hungary
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Lancz Róbert
Owner and CEO, Doktor24 Csoport
President, Primus Magán Egészségügyi Szolgáltatók Egyesület
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Dr. Mári Róbert
Wáberer Medical Center Kft.
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Dr. Papik Kornél
Managing Director
Dr. Rose Magánkórház
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Dr. Rádai Tamás
The Association of Health Technology Suppliers and Medical Device Manufacturers (ETOSZ)
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Schaub Erika
Chief Life Insurance Officer Life, Health, Accident LoB
Generali Biztosító
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Dr. Skorán Ottó
Director of Strategy and Innovation, Co-owner
Doktor24 Medicina Zrt.
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Dr. Soós Miklós
Owner, managing director
Istenhegyi Géndiagnosztika Cégcsoport Auro-Science Consulting Kft.
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Straub Fanni
Private Health Expert
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Szabó Dóra
Head of Marketing and Innovation
Prima Medica Group
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Tóth Kata
Conference project leader
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Újlaki Ákos
Managing Director and Partner
Boston Consulting Group
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Dr. Váradi Péter
Managing Director
Prémium Pénztárcsoport, Prémium Pénztárszolgáltató Kft.
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Dr Végh Attila
Eurohealth Ltd.

Why you should come?

More and more people feel the problems of the public healthcare system first-hand and these challenges are increasingly being recognised by politicians. The need for public intervention was recognised, plans were made, and the government has taken the first steps. But meanwhile, masses of patients are seeking and finding solutions: increasingly in the private health sector. By today, the situation has evolved to the point that private healthcare providers are not only becoming stronger because an ever-widening range of people are choosing private institutions in growing numbers generating more visits but also because the largest service providers are able to offer high-quality and complex interventions in certain care settings. But where and how far will public intervention go? Will publicly funded healthcare be able to develop in the short term? Will the government intervene directly with the operating conditions of the private market as they attempted at the end of 2022? How can the struggle for human resources continue? How will the planned interventions affect the freedom of private healthcare service providers in 2023 and 2024? How will private healthcare companies react to all of this? What paths do they have ahead of them and can consolidation speed up this year due to this? It is clearly visible that the two sectors can no longer exist without each other so these aspects will be in the focus of the seventh Private Health Forum’s programme, providing space for key actors and decision-makers of both sectors. In addition, we will naturally ask the most burning questions about artificial intelligence, digitalisation, pricing and telemedicine while also discussing one of the most important topics: based on what patients decide and where they get information from.

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We would like to inform you that this conference will not be held online. There is no recording and possibility for subsequent viewing. We are looking forward to seeing you face-to-face!

Who we recommend

  • Owners, executives, financial and economic decision-makers of private healthcare companies
  • Public policymakers, operational managers of public health
  • Doctors, healthcare workers
  • Market players closely cooperating with the private healthcare sector: consultant companies, business valuation consultants, transaction lawyers, equity investment companies, leaders of financiers, labour market and medical technology companies, suppliers
  • Financial and professional investors
  • And those who want to expand their network of contacts and are looking for business networking opportunities

Our Sponsors

Gold Sponsor

Silver/Expert Sponsor

Onsite promotional partner

Official car rental partner

Carbon Offsetting Partner

Accessibility Partner


GALLERY | 39 pictures
Private Health Forum 2023


Organisation, general questions

Kinga Molnár
  • Kinga Molnár
  • Event Organizer
  • Phone: +36 20 491 9087


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:
Zoltán Schultz
  • Zoltán Schultz
  • key account sales partner
  • Phone: +36 20 319 9024
  • Email:


Gergely Csiki
  • Gergely Csiki
  • Kapcsolattartó
  • Phone: 428-9062
  • Email:
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