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Portfolio - MAGYOSZ Pharmaceutical Industry 2018

Joint conference of Portfolio and Hungarian Pharmaceutical Manufactures' Association

Date: 25th September 2018  

Location: Courtyard by Marriott Budapest City Center


  • The output of the domestic pharmaceutical industry exceeds HUF 1,000 billion at current prices, with an annual growth rate above that of Hungary's GDP
  • The domestic pharmaceutical industry is leading the sectoral ranking in terms of gross added value per employee
  • The foreign trade surplus per employee is HUF 26.6 million, nearly three times higher than in car manufacturing
  • The importance of the pharmaceutical industry to the national economy, its role in patient care, and its foreign trade opportunities
  • Investments by the domestic pharmaceutical industry totalled nearly HUF 100 billion in 2017
  • Of the 18,000 total employees in the industry, 2,190 (12%) work in R&D, compared to a national average of just 1.8%

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Banai Péter Benő
State Secretary for Budgetary Affairs
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Richter Gedeon NyRt.
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Prof. Dr. Csath Magdolna DSc
Member of National Competitiveness Council
research professor at the National University of Public Services (NUPS)
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Csiki Gergely
Chief editor
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Dr. Greskovits Dávid
Hungarian Pharmaceutical Manufactures Association
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Joó István
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Dr. Lengyel Györgyi
Ministry for Innovation and Technologies
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MUDr. Vojtěch Mészáros
Member of the Board, Czech Republic
České asociace farmaceutických firem (ČAFF)
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Mráz Ágoston
Nézőpont Intézet
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Grzegorz Rychwalski
Polski Związek Pracodawców Przemysłu Farmaceutycznego (PZPPF)
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Tóth Kata
Conference project leader
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Adrian Van den Hoven
Director General
Medicines For Europe

Why you should come?

In 2018 Portfolio, with Hungarian Pharmaceutical Manufactures' Association (MAGYOSZ) as a co-organizer and professional partner, organizes the Pharmaceutical Industry Conference 2018, bringing together the influential professionals, opinion-shapers, company leaders, and policy makers.

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Who we recommend

  • company leaders
  • professionals looking for funds application opportunities
  • professionals of authority/government contacts
  • government professional dealing with the pharmaceutical industry
  • those who work in the field of research & development
  • those who work in the field of human resources
  • companies working in pharmaceutical development and biotechnology
  • professionals of public health programs
  • professionals of the safety of medicines

Our Sponsors


Silver Sponsor

In association with

This conference, jointly organised by MAGYOSZ and Portfolio, will offer details on the current state, future outlook and main challenges of the Hungarian pharmaceutical industry straight from industry representatives, decision-makers with he most impact on the industry, regulators, and opinion leaders.

Key topics:

  • The role of the domestic pharmaceutical industry in the national economy and foreign trade
  • The need for an industry strategy
  • The main challenges ahead of the pharmaceutical industry and possible solutions to these
  • The role of research and development in the pharmaceutical industry and in Hungary's economy
  • The role of the domestic pharmaceutical industry in healthcare


GALLERY | 35 pictures
Portfolio-MAGYOSZ Gyógyszeripar 2018


Organisation, general questions

Lili Mádai
  • Lili Mádai
  • event organizer
  • Phone: +36 1 327 4088


Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751
  • Email:
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