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Portfolio-MAGE Automotive Industry 2022


  • Production strategies in time of crisis
  • Supply chain management, procurement, production capacity harmonisation
  • Winning through investments - digitalisation best practices
  • Technological change, circular economy, transition to green economy - what does it mean in practice to whom?
  • Electromobility, charging networks, battery manufacturing - trends and vision in manufacturing
  • Workforce retention in crisis and beyond; possibilities and risks of hiring workers
  • After the professional program, a joint evening program, networking and accommodation
  • Factory visit tour for on-site participants

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Ács István
Business Development Manager
Bosch Rexroth Kft.
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Balasa Levente
Head of Smart Infrastructure, Siemens Zrt.
Siemens Zrt.
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Bányai Gábor
IT Manager
Emerson Automation Solutions
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Cseh Attila
Commercial Director
HRT Spedition Kft.
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Éliás Péter
Leading manager, Environmental Management
Audi Hungaria Zrt.
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Gém Péter
Professional Sales and Business Development Director at 4iG Ltd.
4iG Ltd.
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Gergen Péter
Vice President Powertrain Solutions in Hungary at Bosch
Robert Bosch Kft., Engineering Center Budapest
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Győri Imre
Managing Director
Magyarmet Finomöntöde Kft.
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Kalmár Ákos
Head of Country HR Hungary
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Dr. Keszte Róbert
Head of Operations
Continental Architecture & Networking Business Area
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Kilián Csaba
Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (MAGE)
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Király Ildikó
HR Manager / HR Business Partner
Bridgestone Tatabánya Termelő Kft.
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Kiss Viola
HR Manager
KIRCHHOFF Automotive Hungary
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Krisztián Róbert
Deputy CEO
Magyar Suzuki Corp.
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Macher Márta
Macher Ltd.
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Madár István
Senior Analyst
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Mesics Olívia
Plant Manager, Managing Director
Opel Szentgotthárd Ltd., Stellantis
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Marco Munerato
Plant Manager
Thyssenkrupp Components Technology Hungary
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Nagy Mihály
Country HR Manager
Dana Hungary Ltd.
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Nyirő Ferenc
Industrial Digitalization Business Unit Manager
Kontron Hungary Kft.
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Pekk György
Director Supplier Performance Hungary
Emerson Automation Solutions
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Pinczés Balázs
Hungarian HR-Network Association
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Pukler Gábor
Future Mobility Association
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Salamon Gábor
Supply Chain Director
Knorr-Bremse Fékrendszerek Kft.
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Szabó-Lukovszki Béla
Managing Director
Accell Hunland Kft.
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Szente Ferenc Zoltán
Managing Director
Rehau- Automotive Kft.
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Szincsák Attila
DENSO Manufacturing Hungary Ltd.
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Topolcsik Melinda
President, Managing Director
Bridgestone Tatabánya Manufacturing Ltd.
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Tóth András István
Solution sales director
E.ON Hungária Csoport
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Tóth Kata
Conference project leader
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Tóth Bálint
Commercial Director
NEFAB Packaging Hungary Kft.
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Tymcsuk Tamás
Supply Chain Manager, CEE
Le Belier Magyarország Zrt.
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Varga-Papp Szilvia
KECT/L-HR HR Manager
Knorr-Bremse Fékrendszerek Kft.
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Vígh Zoltán
Managing Director
Jedlik Ányos Klaszter

Why you should come?

It’s not overstatement to say that at the beginning of the 2021 there was a real „hooray optimism” in the automotive industry. Most people expected a very strong, double-digit growth. By now it has become clear that optimism was too early - the industry will continue to face serious challenges in the years to come.

The global chip shortage has turned out to be the most pressing problem of the car industry, and temporary factory shut-downs have become common worldwide, causing a significant drop in production for the leading car manufacturers. In addition, problems with raw material supply, soaring transport costs, tightening supplies of raw materials and their rising prices have all pushed up production costs significantly, and customers face even higher prices for new and used cars. The application of digitalisation and sustainable solutions in manufacturing can be a way out, while legal requirements on a greener operation also put increasing pressure on traditional automotive players.

Which strategy will industry players choose to tackle the crisis? What improvements are they planning to maintain their competitiveness in the areas of supplier relations, supply chain management, digitalisation, production greening, and production efficiency?

Listen to the most important industry players in person or online at Portfolio and MAGE's jointly organized Automotive Industry 2022 conference - this time for a longer time in Kecskemét. After the professional program, we have a joint dinner, reception, networking and accommodation.

Factory visit tour (Only available for offline (on-site) participants!) - It's full house

On the second day of the conference, we will provide opportunities for factory visits to various nearby sites in a rotational system with a bus transfer between the venues. For more informations click here!

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

Who we recommend

  • Executives and experts of vehicle makers (OEM), system integrators (TIER1), technology suppliers (TIER2) and raw material suppliers (TIER3) from the production, sales, logistics, engineering, R&D&I, procurement, supply chain development, quality management and HR areas
  • Logistics companies
  • Technology companies, fintech and insurtech companies, IT and IT security companies, startups
  • Representatives of banks, financial institutions and the financing side in general
  • Law firms, consulting firms
  • Automotive organisations, clusters, regulatory authorities
  • Energy suppliers
  • and for those who want to expand their network of contacts, they are looking for business networking opportunities

Our Sponsors


Gold Sponsor

Prosecco bar of the reception is sponsored by

Silver/Expert Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Official car rental partner

In association with

Media Partner


4iG Nyrt., Aeriu, AGC Glass Hungary Kft., Alap Európa-Alap Inspektor, ALEF Distribution HU Kft., Amsa Higiénia Kft., Andrékó Ferenczi Kinstellar Ügyvédi Iroda, Antra ID Kft., Appentum Kft., Audi Hungaria Zrt., Autopro.hu/Trivero Kft., AXON' CABLE, Békés-Max Kft., Beko Engineering Kft., BI-KA Logisztika Kft., Bíró Szerszám- és Alkatrészgyártó Kft., Bon Port, Bosch Budapesti Fejlesztési Központ, Bosch Rexroth Kft., Bridgestone Tatabánya Termelő Kft., Bursa Organized Industrial Zone, Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik Austria GmbH Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Cascade Engineering Europe Kft., Central European Investment Services Kft., CIB Bank, Continental Automotive Hungary Kft., Continental Csoport Magyarország, ContiTech Fluid Automotive Hungária Kft., CWS-boco Hungária Kft., Dana Hungary Kft., Deloitte Zrt., DENSO Gyártó Magyarország Kft., DS Smith Packaging Hungary Kft., Duvenbeck IMMO Logisztikai Kft., E.ON Energiamegoldások Kft., E.ON Hungária Csoport, ECC-Consulting Zrt., ElringKlinger Hungary Kft., EmbedPro Kft., Emerson Automation Solutions, EPIC InnoLabs, Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., Eurasia Logistics Kft., EuRent Autókölcsönző Kft., Eurizon Asset Management Hungary, Evopro systems engineering Kft., Falcon-Vision Zrt., Festo Kft., Fitting-ker Kft., Flexmont Kft., Flexo-Roll Kft., Gamax Laboratory Solutions Kft., Grant Thornton Advisory Kft., HAJDU Autotechnika Ipari Zrt., Harman Becker Gépkocsirendszer Gyártó Kft., HM Currus Zrt., HRT Spedition Kft., Humánia HRS Group Zrt., Hungexpo Zrt., IDC, IDM-Systems Zrt., IFUA Horváth & Partners Kft., Infogroup Management Kft., Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium, Iscar Kft., Jedlik Ányos Klaszter, Joyson Safety Systems Hungary Kft., Jövő Mobilitása Szövetség, Kirchhoff Hungária Kft., Knorr-Bremse Fékrendszerek Kft., KPMG Legal Tóásó Ügyvédi Iroda, KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., KTI Közlekedéstudományi Intézet, Le Belier Magyarország Zrt., LGI Hungária Logisztikai Kft., London Stock Exchange Group, Macher Gépészeti és Elektronikai Zrt., Magyar Gépjárműipari Egyesület, Magyar Suzuki Zrt., Magyarmet Finomöntöde Kft., Magyarországi HR-Network Egyesület, MAJOSZ-Magyar Járműalkatrészgyártók Országos Szövetsége, Makronóm Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft., MAPI Magyar Fejlesztési Iroda Zrt., Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft., Mercuri Urval GmbH, Mirrotron Kft., Mitsubishi Electric Magyarországi fióktelepe, MKB Bank Nyrt.,Nefab Packaging Hungary Kft., NEO Property Services Zrt., NHK Spring Hungary Kft., NTG Gondrand Kft., Office of the Commercial, Counsellor in Turkish Embassy in Budapest, Opel Szentgotthárd Kft., Stellantis, OTP Bank Nyrt., Polish-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce, Profigram Zrt., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Regnum Intertrans Kft., Rehau-Automotive Kft., Robert Bosch Kft., Royale International Couriers, S&T Consulting Hungary Kft., S.E.G.A. Hungary Kft., Schneider Electric Hungary, Schönherr Hetényi Ügyvédi Iroda, Sheldon Invest Kft., Siemens Zrt., Stanton Chase Hungary Kft., Starters E-Components Generators Automotive Hungary Kft., Startker Kft., Staufen.AG, Taipei Representative Office in Hungary, Taiwan Trade Center (TAITRA), Thyssenkrupp Components Technology Hungary, Thyssenkrupp Materials Hungary Zrt., TIMOCOM GmbH, Tisza Cipő Group, Titán '94 Kft., Tom-Ferr Zrt., Trans-Automat Kft., TRIGO Hungary, UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Vodafone Magyarország Zrt., Vonalkód Rendszerház Kft., Wise Advisory Group Kft., ZalaZone Ipari Park Kft., ZF Hungária Kft.

4IG   4iG   4iG Ltd   4iG Nyrt   AGC Glass Hungary Kft   AGC Glass Hungary Ltd   AXON' CABLE   Accell Hunland Kft   Aeriu   Alap Európa - Alap Inspektor   Amsa Higiénia Kft   Andrékó Ferenczi Kinstellar Ügyvédi Iroda   Antra ID Kft   Appentum Kft   Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (MAGE)   Audi Hungaria Zrt   BI-KA Logisztika Kft   Beko Engineering Kft   Bon Port   Bosch Rexroth Kft   Bridgestone Tatabánya Manufacturing Ltd   Bridgestone Tatabánya Termelő Kft   Bursa Organized Industrial Zone   Békés-Max Kft   CIB Bank   CWS-boco Hungary Kft   Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik Austria GmbH Magyarországi Fióktelepe   Cascade Engineering Europe Kft   Central European Investment Services Kft   ContiTech Fluid Automotive Hungária Kft   Continental   Continental Architecture & Networking Business Area   Cws-boco Hungária Kft   DENSO Gyártó Magyarország Kft   DENSO Manufacturing Hungary Ltd   DS Smith Packaging Hungary Kft   Dana Hungary Kft   Dana Hungary Ltd   Deloitte Zrt   Duvenbeck IMMO Logisztikai Kft   Duvenbeck Immo Logisztikai Kft   E.ON   E.ON Energiamegoldások Kft   E.ON Hungária (Special Event)   E.ON Hungária Csoport   ECC-Consulting Zrt   EPIC InnoLabs   ElringKlinger   ElringKlinger Hungary Kft   EmbedPro Kft   Emerson Automation Solutions   Erste Bank Hungary Zrt   Eurasia Logistics Kft   Eurizon Asset Management Hungary   Falcon-Vision ZRt   Flexo-Roll Kft   Future Mobility Association   Gamax Laboratory Solutions Kft   Grant Thornton Advisory Kft   HAJDU Autotechnika Ipari Zrt   HM Currus Zrt   HRT Spedition Kft   Harman Becker Gépkocsirendszer Gyártó Kft   Humánia HRS Group Zrt   Hungarian HR-Network Association   Hungexpo Zrt   IDC   IDM-Systems Zrt   IFUA Horváth & Partners Kft   Infogroup Management Kft   Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium   Jedlik Ányos Klaszter   KIRCHHOFF Automotive Hungary   KKVJ   KKVJ Kft   KPMG Legal Tóásó Ügyvédi Iroda   KPMG Tanácsadó Kft   KTI Közlekedéstudományi Intézet   Kirchhoff Hungária Kft   Knorr-Bremse Fékrendszerek Kft   Kontron Hungary Kft   LGI Hungária Logisztikai Kft   Le Belier Magyarország Zrt   London Stock Exchange Group   MAPI Magyar Fejlesztési Iroda Zrt   Macher Ltd   Magyar Gépjárműipari Egyesület - MAGE   Magyar Gépjárműipari Egyesület   Magyar Suzuki Corp   Magyar Suzuki Zrt   Magyarmet Finomöntöde Kft   Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft   Mercuri Urval GmbH   Mirrotron Kft   Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Magyarországi Fióktelepe   Mitsubishi Electric Magyarországi fióktelepe   NEFAB Packaging Hungary Kft   NEO Property Services Zrt   NTG Gondrand Kft   Nefab Packaging Hungary Kft   Net Média (Portfolio Group)   Office of the Commercial Counsellor in Turkish Embassy in Budapest   Opel Szentgotthárd Ltd., Stellantis   Polish-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce   Portfolio   Portolio   Profigram System Zrt   Profigram Zrt   Rehau- Automotive Kft   Rehau-Automotive kft   Robert Bosch Kft., Engineering Center Budapest   Royale International Couriers   S&T Consulting Hungary Kft   S.E.G.A. Hungary Kft   Schneider Electric Hungary   Schönherr Hetényi Ügyvédi Iroda   Sheldon Invest Kft   Siemens Zrt   Stanton Chase Hungary Kft   Starters E-Components Generators Automotive Hungary Kft   Startker Kft   Staufen.AG   TIMOCOM GmbH   TRIGO Hungary   Taiwan Trade Center   Taiwan Trade Center (TAITRA)   Teszt Kft   Thyssenkrupp Components Technology Hungary   Tisza Cipő Group   Titán '94 Kft   Tom-Ferr Zrt   Vodafone Magyarország Zrt   Vodafone Magyarország zrt   Vonalkód Rendszerház Kft   WILLE 2000 Kft   ZF Hungária Kft   ZalaZone Ipari Park Kft   autopro.hu/ Trivero Kft   evopro systems engineering Kft   thyssenkrupp Materials Hungary Zrt


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Portfolio-MAGE Automotive Industry 2022

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Organisation, general questions

Renáta Szekeres
  • Renáta Szekeres
  • Event Organizer
  • Phone: +36 1 646 4367


Zoltán Schultz
  • Zoltán Schultz
  • key account sales partner
  • Phone: +36 20 319 9024
  • Email:


Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751
  • Email:
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