MAGE - Portfolio Conference
08:30 - 08:35
Opening - Zoltán Bán, CEO, NET Media Zrt. ( and Csaba Kilián, CEO at Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (MAGE)
08:35 - 09:05
Global trends in the automotive sector
Speaker: Moritz Pawelke, Global and German Executive for Automotive, KPMG in Germany
09:05 - 09:25
Governmental funding of the sector and the orientations of strategic development
Speaker: Gyula Pomázi, Vállalkozásfejlesztési Főosztály Főosztályvezető, Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium
09:25 - 10:25
Roundtable of CEO's: future challenges
Moderator: Csaba Kilián, CEO, Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (MAGE)
Conversation participants:
10:25 - 11:15
Panel discussion: Labor market challenges in the automotive industry
Moderator: István Szammer, Managing Director,
Conversation participants:
11:15 - 11:40
Coffee break
11:40 - 12:00
Funding instruments and financing sources to support suppliers
Speaker: Balázs Toldi, vállalati üzletágvezető, vezérigazgató, Budapest Bank, Budapest Lízing Zrt.
12:00 - 12:50
Panel discussion: Supplier development sources and opportunities; the role of small- and medium companies in the development for future models
Panel discussion opening speach: Attila Szincsák, General Manager of Business Administration, DENSO Manufacturing Hungary Ltd.
Moderator: Attila Szincsák, ügyvezető igazgató, Denso Gyártó Magyarország Kft.
Conversation participants:
12:50 - 13:40
Panel discussion: Qualitative risks in the supplier chain, supplier quality development
Moderator: András Hellebrandt, International Quality Expert, Knorr-Bremse Systems for Rail Vehicles, Hungary
Conversation participants:
13:40 - 14:15
Lunch break
14:15 - 14:35
14:35 - 14:55
BI solutions for the vehicle industry
Speaker: Satya Prakash, Managing Director, GrayMatter - Europa
14:55 - 15:15
Disruptive new technologies in the automotive industry
Speaker: Ferenc Nyirő, ipari digitalizáció üzletág vezető, S&T Consulting Hungary Kft.
15:15 - 15:45
Panel discussion: Tools and methods for improvements of productivity, digitalization of the industry; smart production, the appearance of smart materials, tools and technologies in manufacture
Moderator: Ákos Mácz, Public Affairs igazgató, Informatikai, Távközlési és Elektronikai Vállalkozások Szövetsége
Conversation participants:
15:45 - 16:05
Coffee break
16:05 - 16:25
Hochtechnologie in der Fahrzeugentwicklung bei Audi Hungária
Speaker: Dr. Dániel Feszty, Total Vehicle Development, Expert, AUDI Hungaria Motor Kft.
16:25 - 16:45
16:45 - 17:35
Panel discussion: Traffic in the future, alternative drive and alternative control methods - The current state and future of autonomous driving and electric cars in Hungary
Moderator: István Sebestyén, Secretary General, Co-Founder, Magyar Villanyautó Klub
Conversation participants:
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