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Budapest Economic Forum 2024

Date: 17th October 2024  

Location: Hotel InterContinental Budapest

Árokszállási Zoltán

ESG pénzügyi elemző, ÁKK Stratégiai és elemzési Főosztály

dr. Bacsa György

MOL Hungary - CEO, MOL Group - SVP Strategy and Business Development

Baja Sándor

Managing Director Czech, Hungary, Romania, Randstad Hungary Kft.

Balatoni András

Director, Directorate of Economic Forecasting and Analysis, Hungarian National Bank

Bálint Csaba

Member of the Board, Romanian National Bank

Bán Zoltán

CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)

Bod Péter Ákos

professor, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Bombera Krisztina

CEO, CauseArt Platform

Boros Árpád

Country Manager Hungary and Romania, Staufen

Cinkotai Norbert

Head of Research, K&H Értékpapír

Dr. Csányi Sándor

President and CEO, OTP Bank

Csányi Péter

deputy CEO, OTP Bank

Csiki Gergely

Chief editor, Portfolio

Deák András György

Senior research fellow,, NKE Stratégiai és Védelmi Kutató Intézet

Deme Géza

CEO, Chairman of the Board, Széchenyi Alapok

Demkó-Szekeres Zsolt

Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Magyar Fejlesztési Bank (MFB)

Egerszegi Ádám

Deputy CEO for Transformation, MBH Bank

Erdélyi Zombor CFA

Deputy CEO, Gránit Alapkezelő

Ginzer Ildikó

Deputy CEO for Standard Business Services, MBH Bank

Gonda Gábor

Chief Commercial Officer, Telekom Hungary

Hernádi Zsolt

Chairman and CEO, MOL

Horváth István CFA

CEO, K&H Értékpapír

Jelasity Radován

Chairman, Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO, Hungarian Banking Association, Erste Bank Hungary

Jobbágy Sándor

Senior Macroeconomic Analyst, Concorde Securities Ltd.

Katona Bence

President, CEO, Nemzeti Tőkeholding

Király Gábor

Dean, Budapest Business School, Faculty of Finance and Accountancy

Krisán László


Kurali Zoltán

CEO, Government Debt Management Agency

Kuti Zsolt

Chief Economist, National Bank of Hungary

Madár István

Senior Analyst, Portfolio

Nagy Viktor

Senior Analyst, Portfolio

Nagy Márton

Minister for National Economy of Hungary, Government of Hungary

Dr. Németh Miklós

Managing Director, Specialised Finance Directorate, OTP Bank

Orbán Gábor

CEO, Richter Gedeon

Ormosy Gábor

CEO, AutoWallis Group

Oszkó-Jakab Natália

Director, Valley of Arts

dr. Parragh László

Chairman, Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Petri Bernadett

Executive Director, Hungarian Development Promotion Office (MFOI)

Rékasi Tibor

Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors, Magyar Telekom

Rózsai Rezső


Dr. Simák Pál

Chairman-CEO, CIB Bank

Emily Sinnott

Head of the Policy and Strategy Division in the Economics Department, European Investment Bank (EIB)

Prof. Surányi György

Fmr. President of the National Bank of Hungary, Professor of Finance

Szabados Richárd

State Secretary for SME Development and Technology, Ministry of National Economy

Szabó István Attila

Chairman-CEO, Garantiqa

Szabó Péter

Country Manager, Microsoft Hungary

Szabó Balázs

CEO, Hold Alapkezelő

Topolcsik Melinda

President, Managing Director, Bridgestone Tatabánya Manufacturing Ltd.

Tordai Péter

Owner and Managing Director, Schneider Gépgyártó és Kereskedelmi

Tóth Kata

Conference project leader, Portfolio

Varga Mihály

Minister for Finance, Government of Hungary

Vida József

President, Opus Global Nyrt.

Virág Barnabás

Vice President, Hungarian National Bank

Zolnai György

CEO, Raiffeisen Bank

Zsiday Viktor

Portfolio Manager, Hold Alapkezelő Zrt., Citadella Származtatott Befektetési Alap

Analyst, Portfolio Group

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Organisation, general questions

Kinga Molnár
  • Kinga Molnár
  • Event Organizer
  • Phone: +36 20 491 9087


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:


Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751
  • Email:
István Madár
  • István Madár
  • vezető elemző
  • Phone: 428-9063
  • Email:
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