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Budapest Economic Forum 2023

Date: 17th October 2023  

Location: Marriott Hotel


Section I. - Where are Hungary and the world headed?

Moderator: Krisztina Bombera, CEO, CauseArt Platform

08:15 - 08:20

Welcome Speech

Speaker: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)

08:20 - 08:40

The future of EU funds in Hungary

Speaker: Dr. Tibor Navracsics, közigazgatási és területfejlesztési miniszter, Magyarország Kormánya

08:40 - 09:00

Energy market updates

Speaker: Zsolt Hernádi, Chairman and CEO, MOL

09:00 - 09:20

Is it time to stop worrying about global inflation?

Speaker: David Lubin, managing director and head of emerging markets economics, Citi

09:20 - 09:40

The European Outlook and Policymaking: Seeing Off Inflation and Pivoting to Longer-Term Reforms

Speaker: Laura Papi, Deputy Director in the European Department, International Monetary Fund

09:40 - 10:05

Financing options in an extremely high interest rate environment

Moderator: Péter Kuruc, , EY

Conversation participants:

10:05 - 10:20

EXIM - To what extent does subsidised lending improve the economy?

Speaker: Szilárd Benk, Chief economist, EXIM Hungary

Coffee break

Section II/A - Company challenges amidst the economic storm

Moderator: Krisztina Bombera, CEO, CauseArt Platform

10:35 - 10:55

Are robots really taking our jobs now? Where is Artificial intelligence headed?

Speaker: Nayur Khan, Partner, QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey

10:55 - 11:25

Is it good to be an entrepreneur in Hungary today?

Moderator: Viktor Nagy, Senior Analyst, Portfolio

Conversation participants:

11:25 - 11:40

Results of the KPMG CEO Outlook survey

Speaker: Rezső Rózsai, vezérigazgató, KPMG

11:40 - 12:25

Company leaders’ roundtable on the survey results

Moderator: Rezső Rózsai, vezérigazgató, KPMG

Conversation participants:

12:25 - 13:00

Prospects for the Hungarian government bonds market

Moderator: Károly Beke, Analyst, Portfolio

Conversation participants:

Section II/B - Key questions in the Hungarian economy

Moderator: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

10:30 - 10:55

Global macroeconomic prospects

Moderator: Bence András, Seniro Vice President, Head of Finance SWAT for EMEA, Citibank

Conversation participants:

10:55 - 11:20

The impact of Chinese capital inflows

Moderator: Dávid Forrás, Executive Producer, Portfolio Podcast Lab

Conversation participants:

11:20 - 11:45

When can the Hungarian economy climb out of the hole?

Moderator: Péter Felfalusi, CEO, Intrum

Conversation participants:

11:45 - 12:10

Labour market: where will we find workers and for how much?

Moderator: József Hornyák, analyst, Portfolio

Conversation participants:

Lunch break

Section III/A - Which are the most important risks at the moment?

Moderator: Krisztina Bombera, CEO, CauseArt Platform

13:50 - 14:10

Economic and financing prospects from companies’ perspective

Speaker: dr. László Parragh, Chairman, Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

14:10 - 14:25

The role of subsidised loan schemes in the economy

Speaker: László Krisán, CEO, KAVOSZ Zrt.

14:25 - 14:40

Adaptation and growth in a changing economic environment

Speaker: Barna Erdélyi, member of the Board, Waberer’s

14:40 - 15:20

Hungarian economic prospects and challenges

Moderator: István Madár, Senior Analyst, Portfolio

Conversation participants:

15:20 - 15:35

Key findings of EIB's annual firm level survey for Hungary

Speaker: Manuel Dueñas, Head of Division, Public Sector in Central and South Eastern Europe, EIB

15:35 - 15:50

Coffee break

15:50 - 16:50

Roundtable of bank leaders

Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)

Conversation participants:

Section III/B - How much should we fear for the Earth?

Moderator: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

13:10 - 13:35

Geopolitical prospects and challenges

Moderator: Bence Ács, Analyst, Portfolio

Conversation participants:

13:35 - 13:50

The future and role of mobility services in Hungary and the region

Speaker: Gábor Ormosy, vezérigazgató, AutoWallis

13:50 - 14:00

How can carbon markets help in the fight against climate change?

Speaker: Bernadett Papp, Senior Market Analyst, Pact Capital AG

14:00 - 14:25

Have we lost the climate war?

Moderator: Bence András, Seniro Vice President, Head of Finance SWAT for EMEA, Citibank

Conversation participants:

  • Attila Buzási, Head Of Department, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Environmental Economics and Sustainability
  • András Gelencsér, vezető, MTA Levegőkémiai Kutatócsoport, rektor, Pannon Egyetem

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Organisation, general questions

Nikoletta Dobler
  • Nikoletta Dobler
  • Event Organiser
  • Phone: +36-20-334-8032


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:
Zoltán Schultz
  • Zoltán Schultz
  • key account sales partner
  • Phone: +36 20 319 9024
  • Email:


Károly Beke
  • Károly Beke
  • Email:
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