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Automotive Industry 2018

Portfolio-MAGE conference

Date: 12th April 2018  

Location: Aquaworld Resort Budapest

Registration: 08:00 - 08:35

Section I.: What fundamental changes OEMs and certain players of the supply chain need to be prepared for in the short and medium term?

08:35 - 08:40

Greeting, opening

Zoltán Bán, Chief Executive Officer, NET Media Zrt. (portfolio.hu) and Csaba Kilián, Executive Secretary General, Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (MAGE)

08:40 - 09:00

Why do we not invest in a few-month return?

Speaker: Ákos Kalmár, Chief Officer, Large Enterprices Vertical Solutions Division, T-Systems Hungary

09:00 - 09:20

Let’s develop! But from what resources? Assets and liabilities for the improvement of production efficiency

Speaker: Zsolt Takáts, Igazgató, Kereskedelem és Agrárfinanszírozás, Raiffeisen Bank

09:20 - 09:40

What factors can exert the strongest impact on the competitiveness of the Hungarian operation and further investments in the country in the short and long term?

Speaker: Csilla Őszi, Vice President, ZF Hungária

09:40 - 10:40

Executives’ roundtable

Moderator: Csaba Kilián, CEO, Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (MAGE)

Conversation participants:

10:40 - 11:10

Coffee break

Section II.: Industry 4.0 in practice

11:10 - 11:25

Is the autonomous driving the only worthwhile innovation in the automobile industry?

Speaker: Viktor Dudás, Data and AI Solution Expert, Microsoft

11:25 - 11:40

Decision-making on facts rather than assumptions based on IoT technology

Speaker: Jenő Beczkay, Industry Digitalisation Consultant, S&T Consulting Hungary Kft.

11:40 - 11:55

Tackling the Test Challenges of Next-Generation ADAS and Sensor Fusion Systems

Speaker: Attila Péter, Sales Manager, National Instruments Hungary Kft.

11:55 - 12:50

Panel discussion: Industry 4.0 in practice – How far local automotive industry companies progressed in the Industry 4.0 evolutionary process and what challenges are faced in the development of suppliers?

Moderator: Zsolt István, Head of Department, Department of Logistic Systems, Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd.

Conversation participants:

12:50 - 13:45

Lunch Break

Section III.: What drive and vehicle manufacturing concepts can be expected to be applied in the new electric and autonomous cars in the near future?

13:45 - 14:40

Labour market panel: How do the most important players of the vehicle industry see our labour market? Can the labour shortage stop the growth of the sector?

Moderator: Sándor Márk Bodnár, Director- Permanent Recruitment, Hays Hungary

Conversation participants:

14:40 - 15:35

Panel discussion: How is the structure of vehicle manufacturing shifting as a consequence of a wider use of alternative drive solutions, e-cars and autonomous vehicles?

Moderator: Dr. István Lakatos, Head of Department, Department of Automotive and Railway Engineering, Széchenyi István University

Conversation participants:

15:35 - 16:00

Coffee break

Section IV.: Thematic roundtable workshop

16:00 - 16:45

Table No. 1: Talent recruitment in the practice with dual training alternatives

Moderator: Tibor Novák, Head of HR, BPW - Hungária Kft.

16:00 - 16:45

Table No.3: Industry 4.0 – Good practices and development projects

How far has digitalisation penetrated companies in Hungary? Where has it appeared in your organisation and what does it mean in practical terms? What development projects are expected to work the best and what are the greatest challenges for their implementation? What role could Hungarian SMEs play in the Industry 4.0 strategy?


Moderator: Aladár Virág, Business Operations Manager, T-Systems Magyarország

16:00 - 16:45

Table No.4: Suppliers’ development

How did the structure of supplier chains changed over the last few years and how does this affect the operation of small and medium-sized suppliers in Hungary? What key aspects do supply managers and experts take into consideration when choosing a partner? In which areas do they think local suppliers have the greatest deficiencies? What are the main differences between the criteria for Tier 1 companies and OEMs?


Moderator: Attila Szincsák, ügyvezető igazgató, Denso Gyártó Magyarország Kft.

16:00 - 16:45

Table No.5: Quality management and quality assurance in the supply chain

Product safety requirements in the automotive industry. Relevant requirements of VW Group, roles and duties of a VW Product Safety Officer. Implementation of product safety management system within the organization.

Moderator: Szilvia Baginé Kovács, Mechanical engineer, Regional director, Southeast Europe, QFD Engineering Consulting Office Ltd.

16:00 - 16:45

Table No.6: Powertrain development and electrification

  • In the evolution of powertrain electrification what technologies will achieve a breakthrough in the next five years and are there major barriers so Battery Electric Vehicles are unlikely to replace ICE powered vehicles even in the 2030’s?
  • In Europe is there a connection, or what is the connection of the Diesel market decline and electrification of vehicles? 
  • How can local Suppliers prepare for the challenges posed by vehicle electrification and stay competitive, or become competitive?

Moderator: Tamás Rózsa, Managing Partner, Top Tier Consultants

16:00 - 16:45

Table No.7: Industry 4.0 – Good practices and development projects


Moderator: István Rédai, Plant Manager, Titán '94 Kft.

16:00 - 16:45

Table No.8: Industry 4.0 – Good practices and development projects


Moderator: Péter Szabó, Managing Director, S&T Consulting Hungary Kft.

16:00 - 16:45

Table no.9: Labor shortage? Y-generation of benefits in employee retention


Moderator: Tamás Szendrő, Commercial Director, Edenred Kft.

16:45 - 16:55

Thematic roundtable workshop summary

16:55 - 17:00

Closing remarks

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Organisation, general questions

Gábor Ócsai
  • Gábor Ócsai
  • rendezvényszervező
  • Phone: +36 1 472 2095


Ágnes Klenyán
  • Ágnes Klenyán
  • senior key account manager
  • Phone: 472-2099
  • Email:


Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751
  • Email:
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