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Automotive Industry 2018

Portfolio-MAGE conference

Date: 12th April 2018  

Location: Aquaworld Resort Budapest


  • Which are the breakout points and areas that could help Hungary’s automotive sector gain a leading role both regionally and internationally?
  • What changes OEMs and certain agents in the supply chain need to be prepared for in the short and medium term?
  • What automotive technologies and related services could be crowded out of the market and which are the ones that could be in ever greater need in the future?
  • What relevant solutions exist to manage and resolve the chief problem of the automotive sector, namely labour shortage?
  • How can Industry 4.0 (digitalisation, robotization, automation) can help improve the competitiveness of the Hungarian automotive sector?
  • What kind of vehicle should we buy today to make sure the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is the lowest possible?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Ács István
Business Development Manager
Bosch Rexroth Kft.
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Baginé Kovács Szilvia
Mechanical engineer, Regional director, Southeast Europe
QFD Engineering Consulting Office Ltd.
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Beczkay Jenő
Industry Digitalisation Consultant
S&T Consulting Hungary Kft.
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Bodnár Sándor Márk
Director- Permanent Recruitment
Hays Hungary
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Bolyki Ferenc
Perfect Execution Manager
Emerson Automation FCP Kft.
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Dedéné Novotni Anna
Vice President of the Board
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Dudás Viktor
Data and AI Solution Expert
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Gulyás Gusztáv
Head of Development Electrical Drives
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Dr. Hanula Barna
dean of the AHJK
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Dr. Háry András
Managing Director
Autóipari Próbapálya Zala Kft.
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István Zsolt
Head of Department, Department of Logistic Systems
Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd.
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Kalmár Ákos
Chief Officer, Large Enterprices Vertical Solutions Division
T-Systems Hungary
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Kilián Csaba
Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (MAGE)
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Dr. Kozma Péter
Research Engineer & Business Development Manager
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Dr. Lakatos István
Head of Department, Department of Automotive and Railway Engineering
Széchenyi István University
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Mándli Péter
Managing Director
BPW - Hungária Kft.
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Mármarosi András
Senior Manager
PwC Hungary
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PhDr. Matus Andor
Procurement Director
Tom-Ferr Zrt.
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Mesics Olívia
Plant Manager, Managing Director
Opel Szentgotthárd Ltd., Stellantis
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Molnár István
Digital Factory Engineering Leader
Continental Automotive Hungary Kft., Budapest
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Nagy Mihály
Country HR Manager
Dana Hungary Ltd.
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Novák Tibor
Head of HR
BPW - Hungária Kft.
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Őszi Csilla
Vice President
ZF Hungária
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Dr. Péhl Tibor
Plant Manager
Arconic-Köfém GRP-BCI
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Péter Attila
Sales Manager
National Instruments Hungary Kft.
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Rábai Dániel
Managing Director of Continental Hungaria Kft.
Head of focus country, Continental Hungary
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Rédai István
Plant Manager
Titán '94 Kft.
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Rózsa Tamás
Managing Partner
Top Tier Consultants
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Sebestyén Balázs
DCS Cluster Manager – East-Europe, Managing Director
Delphi Connection Systems Hungary Kft. (soon to be renamed Aptiv)
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Somogyi András
Country HR Director
Bosch Group in Hungary
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Markus Strothjohann
HR Country Head Hungary
Continental Group Hungary
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Szabó Péter
Managing Director
S&T Consulting Hungary Kft.
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Dr. Szászi István
Head of Engineering Center Budapest with Steering Function for Engineering Centers in Cluj, Romania, and Sofia, Bulgaria (RBHU/NE AE/NE-HU)
Robert Bosch Kft.
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Szendrő Tamás
Commercial Director
Edenred Kft.
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Szerdahelyi Róbert
Head of SME Business / SME Directorate
Erste Bank
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Szincsák Attila
DENSO Manufacturing Hungary Ltd.
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Takáts Zsolt
Raiffeisen Bank
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Dr Urbán László István
Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (AHAI): Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Magyar Suzuki Corp. Ltd.(MSC): Deputy CEO
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Virág Aladár
Professional Consultant an Sales
4iG Ltd.
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Charles Wassen
General Manager, Country Operations Lead
Dana Hungary Kft.

Why you should come?

Hungary’s automotive industry has been developing dynamically over the last few years, in parallel with which the number of employees in the sector has also been skyrocketing. These are taking place in a period when the more than 100-year-old business model of vehicle manufacturing is shaken to the core by the spread of alternative drive technologies, and the appearance of networked and increasingly autonomous vehicles and car sharing systems.

That is why the specialist conference organised jointly by Portfolio and the Association of the Hungarian Automotive Industry (MAGE) for the 5th time aims at providing a comprehensive overview with the help of local and regional players and experts of the key global trends and challenges which could meaningfully impact the business models of automotive companies.

This year, the presentations and panel discussions in the morning will be complemented by a thematic networking section in a roundtable fashion in the afternoon programme. Expert moderators will be assisting the practical work at the thematically grouped interactive roundtables, answering questions and urging participants to give answers to open issues. Make your pick of the available topics that tickle your imagination and take part in the interactive exchange of views right at the table!



3D Technology Kft., Adecco, Aimotive, Alap Európa Kft., Alap Inspektor Kft., Arconic-Köfém GRP-BCI, AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt., Autó-Licit, Autopro.hu, AVENTICS Hungary Kft., BASF Hungária Kft., Bay Zoltán Kutatóközpont, BECK and PARTNERS Tanácsadó és Szolgáltató Kft., Bosch Rexroth Kft, BPW - Hungária Kft., Bridgestone Tatabánya Termelő Kft., CAD-Terv Simulation Kft., CCL Design Magyarország Kft., Com-Forth Ipari Informatikai Kft., Commerzbank Zrt., Continental Automotive Hungary Kft., Continental Csoport Magyarország, Dana Hungary Kft., Debaru Kft., Deloitte Zrt., Delphi Connection Systems Hungary Kft. (hamarosan Aptiv), Denso Gyártó Magyarország Kft., EasyCON Kft., Edenred Magyarország Kft., Energotest Kft., Erste Bank, Evopro systems engineering Kft., Fémalk Zrt., Ferropatent Zrt., Ferry Contact, Flextronics International Kft., Flow Dry Kft., HAJDU Autotechnika Ipari Zrt., Hays Hungary Kft., HBPO Automotive Hungária Kft., HM Currus Zrt., Hungexpo Zrt., IFUA Horváth & Partners Kft., Igm Robotrendszerek Kft., IKB Leasing Kft., Image-Science Kft., Infineon Technologies Cegléd Kft., Intramark Kft., ISD DUNAFERR Zrt., Ispiro Consulting, JETRO Budapest, Knorr-Bremse Fékrendszerek Kft., KONsys Kft., KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., Kühne+Nagel Kft., LGI Hungária Logisztikai Kft., Magyar Gépjárműipari Egyesület, Magyar Járműalkatrészgyártók Országos Szövetsége, Magyar Suzuki Zrt., Magyarországi Bosch csoport, MEMFO Kft., Microsoft, Miell Quality Kft., MKB-Euroleasing Autólízing Zrt., Mortoff Kft., National Instruments Hungary Kft., Nefab Packaging Hungary Kft., NEXON Kft., NIPÜF Zrt., Nissho Hungary Precíziós Kft., Nord Consult Kft., Opel Szentgotthárd, Orbico Hungary Kft., OTP Bank Nyrt., PEX Automotive Systems Kft., Pirelli Hungary Kft., Plastelektro Kft., PwC Könyvvizsgáló Kft., PwC Magyarország Kft., QFD Mérnöki Tanácsadó Iroda Kft., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., RiskCover Hungary Zrt., Robert Bosch Kft., RÖHM Hungaria Kft., S&T Consulting Hungary Kft., Sberbank Magyarország Zrt., SGS Hungária Kft., Smart Qality Bt., SMC Hungary Kft., SPM Instrument-Budapest Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft., Századvég Alapítvány, Széchenyi István Egyetem, Taiwan Trade Center, Think Global Limited, Titán '94 Kft., Tom-Ferr Zrt., Top Tier Consultants, T-Systems Magyarország, Unicredit Bank Hungary Zrt., ViveLab Ergo Kft., Vonalkód Rendszerház Kft., Weinberg 93 Kft., Work Force Kft., ZF Hungária...

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Who we recommend

  • The senior management and experts of Vehicle manufacturers – System integrators – Technology suppliers – Raw material producers from the areas of Manufacturing, Engineering, R&D&I, Procurement, Supplier Development, Quality Mangement and HR
  • Logistics companies
  • Fintech, insurtech, IT-developer and IT-security companies with connections to the motor vehicle industry
  • Banks, financial institutions, the representatives for fund providers
  • Law firms, consultancy firms
  • Organizations, clusters, regulators from the automobile industry

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Portfolio-MAGE Járműipar 2018


Organisation, general questions

Gábor Ócsai
  • Gábor Ócsai
  • rendezvényszervező
  • Phone: +36 1 472 2095


Ágnes Klenyán
  • Ágnes Klenyán
  • senior key account manager
  • Phone: 472-2099
  • Email:


Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751
  • Email:
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