
October 03, 2023 16:52

Hungary budget gap keeps on widening, gov't was forced to take action

Four-quarter trailing deficit over 8% of GDP

parlament országház budapest nap getty stock
October 03, 2023 15:50

Hungary's Fiscal Council says higher deficit target will not suffice

Urges further measures to stabilise budget

krausz ferenc
October 03, 2023 14:23

Hungary's Ferenc Krausz awarded Nobel Prize in physics

Jointly with two peers

October 03, 2023 12:50

Taking away MNB real estate could solve the problem of Hungarian cenbank's losses - Parragh

Head of industrial chamber thinks MNB made a HUF 1.5-2.0 trillion mistake

munkanelkuli dolgozó worker
October 03, 2023 10:04

Living standards in decline, Hungarians need a big pay rise soon

People hold on to secure jobs more than last year, but could easily start to flow abroad

nagy marton
October 03, 2023 10:01

Government asks banks to introduce voluntary interest rate cap

A plan has been published after the last meeting with the Banking Association

varga mihály pénzügyminiszter
October 03, 2023 08:20

Breaking News: Hungarian gov't raises 2023 deficit target!

First such data publication by KSH-FinMin duo

October 02, 2023 14:32

EU foreign ministers gather in Kyiv, Hungary sends deputy state secretary

23 of 27 member states represented

October 02, 2023 13:30

Hungary's Katalin Karikó awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine

Along with Drew Weissman for mRNA vaccines

budapest airport liszt ferenc repülőtér
October 02, 2023 11:25

Hungarian minister reveals funding source of planned acquisition of Budapest Airport

Talks could be concluded by year-end

nagy márton gfm
October 02, 2023 11:17

Banks in Hungary have "got the message" - Development Minister

Márton Nagy speaks about government plans

October 02, 2023 10:55

Hungary central bank gears up for the return of housing and lending market risks

Capital requirements for banks will increase from mid-2024

gyerekszegénység, gyermekszegénység, szegénység, iskolakötelezettség
October 02, 2023 10:43

EU report reveals that Hungarian children are in big trouble

Hungary improves in many indicators, but is at the bottom of a lot of EU rankings

otp bank
October 02, 2023 10:05

Ukrainian anti-corruption agency temporarily removes OTP from the blacklist

However, the Hungarian government wants a definite removal

fed atlanta sas héja
October 02, 2023 09:00

Fed policy has been weighing on markets already - and this week we can worry even more

Friday brings a really important global data release, but we won't get bored until then either

October 02, 2023 09:00

Hungarian gov't taps overheads protection fund due to corporate electricity price ceiling

Nearly HUF 5 billion compensation already paid

munkahely iroda este munka dolgozó
September 29, 2023 13:05

Hungarians work an awful lot

Quite high in EU rankings based on hours worked

orbán viktor miniszterelnök kormányfő
September 29, 2023 10:48

Orbán says Brussels is dragging its feet over funds it owes Hungary

Hungarian PM also talks about inflation and economic outlook