
filippinó munkás
October 06, 2023 09:18

Hungarian gov't suddenly takes a complete U-turn on guest workers

The regulation, which has not even entered into force, will be changed

October 06, 2023 08:55

Hungary's industrial production remains feeble

And the outlook is not bright either

October 05, 2023 14:42

Hungary's status law: 1,205 teachers quit

State secretary says only 1% of teachers did not sign new career status

parlament budapest orzágház getty stock
October 05, 2023 13:00

Hungarian gov't needs to find HUF 1.5 trillion this year despite higher deficit target

The Sword of Damocles is still hanging there

Kiszivárgott a terv - Így mentenék meg a dízeleket
October 05, 2023 12:03

Hungarians buy ever fewer petrol cars

We still have to wait for mass purchases of purely electric vehicles, though

October 05, 2023 09:31

Education Office no longer publishes the number of teacher vacancies

Amid the wave of resignations comes the secrecy

Parragh Laszlo
October 05, 2023 09:05

Hungarian industrial chamber chief engages in war of words with central bank

Parragh would strip MNB of nearly all of its assets, foundations, real estate

muanyag-kupak-palack-betetdij-ujrafelhasznalas- fenntarthatosag
October 05, 2023 08:44

Mandatory return of PET bottles coming soon

The regulation has been issued

MNB: nem csak a lakosságnak lehet probléma a változó kamatozás
October 05, 2023 06:30

Hungarian central bank could pump the brakes of rate cuts in October

Nasty surprise could be lurking in relation to EU funds

migráció, uniós bevándorlás, uniós határvédelem
October 04, 2023 15:11

EU circumvents Hungary in asylum and migration vote (2)

EU reform adopted by Council

October 04, 2023 14:55

Hungary and Slovenia sign gas interconnector deal

Agreement inked today

országház parlament getty stock
October 04, 2023 14:10

Hungary Central Bank Act to be modified to disarm budget time bomb

Negative capital situation to be settled

October 04, 2023 13:50

Hungary MoFA wants guarantee Ukraine will not place OTP on 'blacklist' again

Ukraine's anti-corruption officials invited to Budapest

A szlovákokat nem érdekli a magyar-lengyel tengely, ők Európát akarják
October 04, 2023 13:25

Slovakia reinstates border control with Hungary

Only for 10 days for now

nagy marton
October 04, 2023 11:53

Banks in Hungary need to dig deep if they want to please the government

ARP may drop below 8.5% on housing loans, 12% on business working capital loans

October 04, 2023 11:00

Fuel prices to change in Hungary again on Friday

Petrol to cost less

zsiday viktor 2017 cfo summit
October 04, 2023 09:16

Investment expert says government's latest move is "soft planned economy"

Gentle or less gentle persuasion has become the new method

vásárlás piac zöldség
October 04, 2023 08:54

Hungarian stores show sour summer state

When will retail trade recover?

October 04, 2023 08:49

Governing party Fidesz-KDNP would ban the purchase of energy drinks for under-18s

Referring to the well-known government slogan of "child protection"

October 03, 2023 17:11

Commission clears acquisition of Hungary's Dunaferr

By Liberty Steel