Hungary to buy more Munkácsy paintings

The Hungarian government plans to buy another collection of Hungarian painter Mihály Munkácsy and intends to set up a Munkácsy museum to exhibit the works of art, reported citing a confidential draft co-authored by Minister for Human Capacities Miklós Kásler and Andrea Bártfai-Mager, minister without portfolio in charge of managing national assets.
Talks have already begun with Imre Pákh, the owner of the collection, according to The location of the new museum is not final but will probably be the Várkert Bazár Casino.

According to the confidential document, it was Imre Pákh who offered the collection fr sale to the government. "The significance of the works of art justify setting up a museum as the Pákh collection consists of the world's second largest Munkácsy collection that has been purposely built and scientifically processed over the past decades," the document states.

The Hungarian government paid HUF 3 billion for the Munkácsy painting Golgotha in January.

Cover photo: MTI/ Zsolt Czeglédi

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