Budapest among dirtiest capital cities in Europe


Generally speaking, please tell me if you are very satisfied, rather satisfied, rather unsatisfied or not at all satisfied with cleanliness of your city?

This was the question asked by Eurostat to the inhabitants of 109 European cities in 2015.

Among these cities, Ventspils in Latvia came on top with virtually all (99%) of its inhabitants responding that they were very or rather satisfied with the cleanliness of their city. Ventspils was followed by another Latvian city Valmiera (97%), Oviedo in Spain and the city of Luxembourg (both 95%).

With regard to the EU’s capital cities, the results show significant disparities of satisfaction, with levels ranging from 9% to 95%.

At least 80% of inhabitants were very or rather satisfied with the cleanliness of their city in Luxembourg (95%), Vienna (90%), Ljubljana (88%), Riga (81%) and Helsinki (80%).

In contrast, only 9% of inhabitants in Rome found their city clean enough. Less than half of the population was satisfied with cleanliness of their city also in Bratislava (28%), Sofia (29%), Bucharest (37%), Madrid (38%), Budapest (39%), Athens (41%), Berlin (45%), Brussels (47%) and Paris (49%).

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Front page photo by MTI Fotó: Zoltán Balogh

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