Hungarian President sets date for first session of new parliament

Hungary’s President János Áder has convened the constitutive session of Parliament for 8 May. He has also asked Viktor Orbán, head of the Fidesz-KDNP coalition’s list, to start negotiations on forming a government, a statement published on the website of the President’s office showed on Tuesday.
The Fundamental Law (i.e. the Constitution) stipulates that the President must convene the constitutive session of Parliament for within 30 days after election day. The new general assembly will start its work at 10 A.M. on 8 May, the statement said.The PM will be elected at the President’s proposal by at least half of the MPs, which will hardly be a problem, given that the Fidesz-KDNP coalition has supermajority, i.e. 133 seats in the 199-seat Parliament. This gives them the power to change the Constitution.

The Speaker of the House will be elected at the proposal of the caucus leaders by a secret ballot. The deputies and the notaries are to be elected by an open ballot. Without a joint motion, the head of the largest faction has the right to propose a speaker, in which case the deputies and the notaries are elected at his/her proposal after hearing the caucuses.

At the 8 April election, Fidesz-KDNP obtained 133 mandates, while far-right national party Jobbik has 26, the Socialist Party (MSZP)-Párbeszéd (Dialogue) coalition 20, the Democratic Coalition (DK) 9, green party LMP 8 seats in Parliament. A candidate of Együtt (Together) won one mandate, there will also be and independent MP in the general assembly, as well as a representative of the National Municipality of Germans in Hungary (preferential mandate).

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