Hungary's President throws back law, Parliament would still adopt it

Although the President of the Republic referred it back to Parliament for consideration, Hungary’s MPs have refused to amended a newly adopted regulation that would terminate mandatory chimney inspections for the owners of detached houses.
At its meeting on Thursday, Parliament’s legislative committee has adopted a single modification to a proposal that would leave out an important (cardinal) clause. According to the rationale, it is because there are no statutory provisions in the law that would require a qualified majority.

President János Áder sent the legislation back to Parliament for consideration last week. He said that safety levels would be radically reduced and the number of life-threatening situations would increase significantly if the mandatory chimney checks were made voluntary. International experience shows that the number of accidents is several times higher in countries where the system operates on voluntary basis, he pointed out.

The President has also made a legislative objection to the law. Whereas Parliament did not adopt the provisions requiring two-thirds majority vote, the working of the law did include a so-called cardinal clause. The committee has removed this clause now.

János Lázár, the minister leading the Prime Minister’s Office, told journalists on Thursday that the cabinet does not plan to change its stance on this particular legislation, arguing that responsible people need to take care of their own and their families’ safety by themselves. It is also absurd to order mandatory chimney inspections in the case of newly built homes, he added.

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