Sex workers in Budapest banned from profession by police

Hungarian police do not allow sex workers to exercise their professoin during the World Aquatics Championships in Budapest, the Association of Hungarian Sex Workers said on its website, local news portal reported on Tuesday.
Prostitutes have been calling the association all week last week, because police presence on their usual spots were getting heavy. Given that they are offering their services within the so-called safe zone, where it is legal to take advantage of what they have to offer, they shouldn’t have to be worried.

Yet, police officers went up to each of them and asked them to leave. The article says their reasoning was that the police chief of District 9 “passed a law" that sex workers are not allowed to pursue their profession during the swimming championships.

The workers complained this was an illegal procedure and asked for the name and badge numbers of the policemen that took action, but they replied they have no obligation to give them such information.

Front page photo by MTI/ Zoltán Máthé

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