Hungarians are the kings of social networks

Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, has published internet usage data for 2016, which reveal that Hungarians participate in social networks the most and they also like to listen to mucic online.
In the EU, 63% of internet users aged between 16-74 used social networks in 2016. Among the Member States, this share was highest in Hungary (83%), Malta (82%), Belgium (80%), Cyprus (79%), and Denmark (77%). France is at the bottom of the list with 47%.

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Among younger people aged 16 to 24 years, almost 9 in 10 internet users in the EU participated in social networks (88%). Last year, the share of younger internet users who were active on social networks ranged from 77 % in France and 80 % in Slovenia to 97 % in Belgium, Denmark and Hungary, while among older internet users aged 65 to 74 years, this share was below 50 % in almost all EU Member States, except for Belgium (56 %), Hungary (55 %), Malta (51 %) and Portugal (50 %).

93% of Lithuanians read news online, while Ireland is on the bottom of this particular ranking with 49%. In Hungary, 88% of internet users read news online.

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The Swedes are the most avid internet users when it comes to listening to music online (69%), whereas the Croats do not use this feature too much (28%). 61% of Hungarian internet users listen to music online.

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Finland (92 %) as well as Denmark and the Netherlands (both 91 %) had the highest shares of internet users who used internet banking, versus 7% in Bulgaria and 8% in Romania which are on the bottom of this list. 44% of Hungarians used internet banking last year.

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