Label: "russia"

3-as metró forrás bkk
September 20, 2023 09:45

Budapest Transport Company demands EUR 100 million from the Russians

No light at the end of the metro litigation tunnel

szijjarto péter és josep borrell
September 19, 2023 11:29

Hungarian MoFA Szijjártó might be 'forced' to visit Ukraine

EU foreign ministers to meet in Kyiv in October - Borrell

September 18, 2023 15:25

Serious statements from close to the Kremlin on the future of Hungarian energy supply

Hungary has little room for manoeuvre to cut its dependence on Russian energy

September 15, 2023 11:35

Self-centered liberals don't want to give children to the nation - Orbán

Multinational chains are also behind rising consumer prices, the PM says

September 13, 2023 16:49

Hungary approves extension of sanctions against Russia

Four persons scrapped from blacklist, though

Vlagyimir Putyin, orosz elnök
September 12, 2023 10:38

Putin says Moscow had made a mistake when crushed protests in Hungary, Czechoslovakia

Sending Soviet tanks into Hungary and Czechoslovakia was a mistake

nagy márton
September 12, 2023 09:45

Hungary can be the saviour of Europe's industry - minister

Márton Nagy: Germany is bed-ridden, but we're holding our ground

Paks uzemanyag kazetta
September 12, 2023 09:32

Hungary would not divest from Russian fuel at the Paks NPP, but would also strike a deal with the French

A nuclear coalition might make both options possible at the same time

ukran tranzit230817
September 11, 2023 12:34

Unprecedented leak: Russian gas sold much cheaper to China than to Europe

No such data have been public until now

menekült vonaton utazik záhonynál
September 06, 2023 09:56

A harsh reality: 3.3 million Ukrainian refugees may never return home

And this number may still rise

ursula von der leyen
September 04, 2023 11:45

Hungary becomes protagonist in European Commission power play

Viktor Orbán's cabinet could escalate dispute over EU funds

August 30, 2023 12:03

Ukraine cannot beat Russia, World War III could be knocking at our door - Hungarian PM

Viktor Orbán says Trump would end war

August 28, 2023 17:10

Cooperation in Visegrad Four has become more complicated, says Czech PM

Petr Fiala urges focus on practical issues

Szép csendben visszaszivárog a vasárnapi zárvatartás?
August 25, 2023 10:15

Russian exit becoming increasingly difficult for foreign companies

Moscow demands bigger discounts

August 25, 2023 10:00

Heineken exits Russia, divests all its assets for €1

The company had seven breweries in the country

Megszünteti a sárga csekkek befizetését az OTP a fiókjaiban
August 21, 2023 16:54

Hungary's OTP may be taken off of Ukraine's 'blacklist'

Under two conditions

Paks II szabadon felhasználható
August 18, 2023 15:53

EPC contract for Hungarian nuclear project amended

Construction phase starts

repowereu, rrf, next generation EU, eu, helyreállítási alap
August 16, 2023 17:31

EU nods on Hungarian state aid for new battery plants

Cabinet may theoretically support other green transition areas too

August 10, 2023 15:55

Wartime repercussion: deposits held in Ukrainian banks up 55%

Ukrainian deposit insurance experience also strengthens financial stability in Europe

August 07, 2023 10:01

Oil prices at levels not seen since January

After July, the rise continues in August