Label: "russia"

July 25, 2024 17:23

Ukraine sanctions on Lukoil cause no supply problem, only Commission can make a call

The European Commission is looking for a solution that suits all parties

Valdis Dombrovskis EU helyreallitasi terv210713
July 25, 2024 13:32

Lukoil case: Brussels is in no rush, no one backs Hungarian and Slovak governments

Dombrovskis team is currently collecting data

Bulgaria Magyarorszag Lukoil
July 24, 2024 16:04

Bulgaria offers to help Hungary in Lukoil oil ban case

Foreign Minister makes video announcement

Mol Dunai Finomító Dufi kőolajvezeték barátság-vezeték friendship
July 24, 2024 13:50

Fitch identifies major risks for Hungary, Slovakia from Ukraine sanctions on Lukoil

Mindkét finomítót a Mol működteti, így a hitelkockázatok jelentősek.

Lukoil Europai Bekekeret Szijjarto Peter
July 23, 2024 15:32

Hungary ups the ante, blocking EUR 6.5 billion to Ukraine over Lukoil transit oil disruption

Meanwhile, Moscow sends important messages

orosz rulett
July 23, 2024 10:00

The Lukoil case is, for the time being, only a warning shot to Hungary and Slovakia - expert

There is serious business going on in the background after the Ukrainians' decision

NAftogaz CEO olajszallitas Lukoil
July 23, 2024 08:38

Oil lost to Hungary and Slovakia due to Lukoil has so far been fully replaced - Naftogaz CEO

However, a long-term solution still must be found

Drágább lesz a tankolás: emelkedik a benzin és a gázolaj ára
July 22, 2024 09:56

Fuel crisis, energy price explosion and power outages on the cards for Hungary - expert

Ukraine's ban of Lukoil's transits to Central Europe could cause a severe situation

Mol Dunai Finomító Dufi kőolajvezeték barátság-vezeték friendship
July 19, 2024 12:30

Ukraine suddenly blocks a large part of Hungary's oil imports from Russia

Sanctions extended to Lukoil's transfers to Hungary and Slovakia via the Friendship pipeline

szijjarto peter 3322
July 17, 2024 08:59

Péter Szijjártó and Sergey Lavrov hold talks again, Paks expansion also discussed

They also touched on Lukoil's energy supply to Hungary

európai parlament, ep, ep-választás
July 17, 2024 08:37

Suspension of Hungary's voting rights proposed in the EP

63 MEPs signed the letter with the proposal

Orbán Viktor és Vlagyimir Putyin 2024-ben
July 12, 2024 14:15

Hungary's Orbán meets Trump for "peace mission 5.0"

Russia says Hungarian PM did no keep it the loop

July 11, 2024 09:55

Hungarian PM Orbán's Moscow trip contravenes EU treaties - legal service

Meeting with Putin sparks some serious condemnation from EU, US

Eltörli a kormány a kiskermultik korlátozását, de újabb lépésre készül
July 10, 2024 08:28

Spar closes shop in Debrecen, may be replaced by new Russian discount chain

Mere's second Hungarian store will also open in the place of a closed Spar store

orbán-kormány kormányülés
July 09, 2024 10:57

Hungary devises "anti-war action plan"

It's all about the war, not a word about the bloated budget deficit

July 09, 2024 10:05

Hungary to facilitate immigration of Russians and Belarussians

The two countries have been added to the "National Card list"

orbán viktor
July 08, 2024 10:12

Next stop on the 'Orbán Express': Washington

Hungarian PM expected to attend NATO summit on his "peace mission"

Orbán Viktor Kína
July 08, 2024 08:35

Hungarian PM Orbán continues "peace mission" in China

MoFA accompanies him to Beijing

ukrán parlament kijev ukrajna
July 05, 2024 16:28

Ukraine reacts to Hungarian PM Orbán visiting Putin in Moscow

"No agreements on Ukraine without Ukraine!"

Orban Viktor EU csucs Ukrajna csatlakozasi targyalas
July 05, 2024 15:32

Viktor Orbán's Moscow visit makes serious diplomatic waves in Brussels

Budapest has not informed EU leaders of Moscow meeting with Putin