Label: "russia"

EU csucs Merkel Oroszorszag 210624
February 11, 2022 13:40

Hungary, Austria most reluctant to impose painful sanctions on Russia

Secret list of sanctions readied for quick adoption within hours of possible attack of Ukraine

orbán viktor miniszterelnök
February 04, 2022 08:44

Hungary aims to manufacture Pfizer's COVID-19 medicine in new vaccine plant

PM Orbán says the country has applied for production

Vlagyimir Putyin Orban Vilotor V0 vasut hitelkeret bejelentes
February 02, 2022 14:51

Putin offers Hungary USD 2 billion credit line for railway project

To bypass Budapest

Vlagyimir Putyin Orban Viktor targyalas Kreml 2022 elso
February 02, 2022 08:40

Hungary's Orbán asks Putin for one billion cubic metres more gas

Russian President says it's no problem, but other EU members states could be in trouble

February 01, 2022 16:25

Putin: Hungary gets Russian gas at fifth of the market price

There's an explanatino to the perplexing statement

Orbán Putyin 2018
January 31, 2022 16:35

Putin praises PM of Hungary

Moscow "admires" Hungary's approach to choosing its partners

befektető befektetés terminál trader
January 31, 2022 08:42

Central banks continue to battle inflation in the shadow of war

The focus this week is on the threat of war

orbán viktor kormányfő miniszterelnök
January 28, 2022 09:03

Hungary PM Orbán heralds new family support measures

Election race gives birth to more promises

December 21, 2021 08:55

Paks II - Rosatom: The aim is for the two new blocks to start producing power in 2029-2030

Progress on building site visible

November 22, 2021 16:35

Hungary not to buy additional COVID-19 vaccines from Russia, China

Foreign Minister also says vaccination is not planned to be made compulsory

Mihail Murasko orosz egeszsegugyi miniszter
November 11, 2021 09:23

Only 0.4% of Sputnik V recipients in Hungary got COVID symptoms

Out of more than 1 mn vaccinated, Russia says

Szijjártó Péter orosz szputnyik
October 14, 2021 10:36

Hungary to start making Sputnik V vaccine soon

WHO acceptance of vaccine sped up

October 12, 2021 09:24

Hungary OTP eyes Russian bank

Local sources claim

vakcina oltás oltatás koronavírus
October 04, 2021 08:55

Barriers lifted for Russian Covid vaccine Sputnik V approval by WHO

Russia's health minister announces

gázvezeték északi áramlat 2
September 27, 2021 13:24

Hungary to ink long-term gas supply deal with Russia on Monday

Foreign Ministry invitation shows imminent deal

OTP fiók
September 24, 2021 09:27

Fitch upgrades OTP Russia’s VR to ‘bb’

Citing adequate capital, strong parent

szputnyik vakcina szallitmany 210329
September 17, 2021 09:20

WHO suspends approval for Sputnik V vaccine

Manufacturing process a concern

August 30, 2021 14:41

Hungary strikes long-term gas supply deal with Russia - minister

Szijjártó goes Russia