Label: "russia"

March 04, 2022 12:35

Hungary cenbank says ready to use all tools available

MNB speaks up to prop up HUF close to new all-time low

March 04, 2022 12:05

Russian forces seize Ukrainian nuclear plant, Europe's largest

No changes in radiation recorded after shelling

March 04, 2022 11:30

S&P cuts Russia rating even deeper into 'junk' territory

On increased risk of default

airbnb app
March 04, 2022 11:04

Airbnb suspends operation in Russia, Belarus

Hosts will house up to 100,000 refugees fleeing from Ukraine for free

March 04, 2022 10:55

Generali pulling out of Russia, others consider following suit

Italian banks have manageable exposures to Russia

Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök interjú
March 04, 2022 09:29

PM Orbán addresses Russia-Ukraine war and its consquences for Hungary

Urges common V4 asylum policy

háború rakétarendszer katonaság sziluett
March 04, 2022 08:44

Second round of Ukraine-Russia peace talks ends, no breakthrough

Agree on humanitarian corridors

March 03, 2022 18:05

The worst is yet to come, Macron believes after Putin call

French President worried, Zelensky says Ukraine might not be enough for Putin

March 03, 2022 14:05

Second round of Russia-Ukraine peace talks planned for Thursday

President Zelensky promises relentless defence against invaders

March 03, 2022 12:05

Hungary ends all pandemic-related restrictions

PM's chief of staff addresses key issues, including Russia-Ukraine war

March 03, 2022 07:29

Fitch, Moody's throw Russia into junk grade over Ukraine invasion

Rating at Moody's close to selective default status

March 02, 2022 16:24

Russian Foreign Minister talks about third world war, involving nuclear weapons

Lavrov once again accuses Ukraine of intention to obtain nuclear weapons

orosz-ukran haboru jarmu kar
March 02, 2022 15:30

Russia's war on Ukraine to get more brutal, latest intelligence update out

UK Secretary of Defence Ben Wallace paints grim future

March 02, 2022 13:40

Raiffeisen: no Russian exit, Hungarian bank absolutely stable

Raiffeisen Hungary CEO talks with Portfolio

szijjártó péter szerb paks
March 02, 2022 11:40

We'll keep going - Hungary Foreign Minister on the expansion of the Paks NPP

Without Russian gas and Paks 2 Hungary faces brutal price increases

Magyarország 25 százalékos tulajdonrészt vásárolna a krki LNG-terminálban
March 02, 2022 09:17

Exxon to wind down Russian energy project, stop new investments in the country

US oil giant to opt out of LNG facility Sakhalin-1

kreml oroszország moszkva
March 02, 2022 09:00

Putin caps Russian cash exports at USD 10,000

Amidst fears of financial system collapse