Label: "russia"

menekült vonaton utazik záhonynál
April 13, 2022 08:25

EU countries to receive EUR 3.5 bn more for hosting refugees from Ukraine

Hungary's share from the pre-financing is some HUF 100 billion

HZS_portré foto
April 12, 2022 16:54

What would happen to Hungary's Mol if Russian oil stopped flowing?

It is difficult to find a replacement for Urals

April 12, 2022 09:15

EU foreign ministers do not adopt ban on Russian oil and gas

Nothing is off the table, though

April 11, 2022 14:50

Ericsson suspends business in Russia


Dr. Oetker
April 08, 2022 17:25

Dr. Oetker also pulls out of Russia

The company sells Belgorod plant to the Russian management

usa világ koronavirus
April 08, 2022 16:50

KPMG: War hits economies immediately, but bigger problems will arise only later

Globel Economic Outlook paints forlorn picture

kukorica MTI
April 08, 2022 13:55

Russia-Ukraine war leads to booming food prices

FAO Food Price Index rises to all-time high

April 08, 2022 08:40

Russia's membership in UN Human Rights Council suspended

You can't fire me, I quit!

csehország prága
April 07, 2022 12:45

Czech Republic leaves IBEC over Russia's war on Ukraine

Reclaims 82 million euros

hentes húsbolt hús
April 07, 2022 11:04

Inflation almost certain to hit 10% in Hungary this year, and that's if we're lucky

March CPI data to be released Friday morning

vlagyimir putyin
April 07, 2022 09:01

Putin reacts to atrocities in Bucha to Viktor Orbán first

First time the Russian President speaks about the massacre

April 07, 2022 08:25

Ukrainians react to Viktor Orbán's proposal

Zelensky's advisor tells Orbán there are official channels

April 06, 2022 17:17

NATO chief says war in Ukraine could last for many months or even years

Stoltenberg talks about Putin's ambitions

orbán viktor kormányinfó sajtótájékoztató
April 06, 2022 15:43

Orbán says price caps could remain in force longer in Hungary

Speaks to international journalists after election victory

szerb magyar külügyminiszter szijjártó péter
April 06, 2022 13:37

Hungary Foreign Minister talks Russia's rouble-for-gas mandate

Lashes out at Ukrainian leaders again

sztanyiszlavov orosz nagykövet
April 06, 2022 12:46

Kremlin has no reason not to trust Hungarian leadership - Russian ambassador to Hungary

There will be a solution to Paks 2 too, he says

orbán viktor kormányinfó sajtótájékoztató
April 06, 2022 11:08

Hungary's Orbán to hold international press conference today - What can we expect?

Here are the issues that may be addressed

szijjártó péter
April 06, 2022 09:29

Ukraine's Ambassador in Budapest summoned to Foreign Ministry

Péter Szijjártó outraged by comments