ÁKK chief suggests financial sector could get a rival.
State Treasury could save billions, though.
Cabinet apparently ups GDP estiamte for 2018.
It's not a surprise, though.
Pensioners entitled to some extra based on splendid economic growth.
Norway is the best, survey shows.
Depending on how the economy fares.
Pensioner cooperatives increase membership
Varga, Matolcsy and Parragh will also attend.
Correcting pensions with inflation and first time bonus would yield that much, Economy Minister says.
Competitiveness Council to table a proposal shortly.
And tax cuts.
Hungary's 2018 budget bill includes a lot more interesting items.
EcoMin Varga addresses growth outlook, tax and contribution cuts and more.
He pledges to defend" utility tariff cuts from the EU.
If you're a Hungarian pensioner, make sure you're home in the days before Christmas!