Label: "pension"

nyugdíjas infláció vásárlás
June 25, 2024 08:13

More than 100,000 over-65s returned to work this year until April

One-third of Hungarian pensioners live below the minimum subsistence level

orbán viktor miniszterelnök kormányfő
January 19, 2024 09:01

Viktor Orbán: inflation is no longer on the rise, the aim now is to accelerate growth

Prime Minister says we are in for an easier year

nyugdíj nyugdíjas getty stock
January 05, 2024 11:34

Pensioners finally have a chance of a good year - expert

Will the real value of benefits increase?

December 29, 2023 11:36

Hungarians would need HUF 600,000 a month for a carefree life - Equilibrium Institute

But many do not even have HUF 250,000, according to the Institute's Poverty Survey

Átlagosan évente 16 000 forinttal kurtítják meg a szülők gyermekük malacperselyét
October 25, 2023 09:53

Proportion of cash in Hungarians' savings on the rise - Erste survey

Hungarians' financial situation deteriorates, but those who can save are saving

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September 28, 2023 13:25

Hungary November pension supplement quantified

After PM Orbán's announcement

September 28, 2023 12:09

Hungary pays an average half-monthly pension supplement - Orbán

Government decision reached

nyugdíjas idős nő villamos budapest getty stock
September 21, 2023 10:10

Hungarian pensioners at risk every year - a comprehensive reform of the pension system is needed

Analysis by pension expert András Farkas, founder of NyugdíjGuru News

nyugdíj idős öreg getty stock
September 11, 2023 09:06

Pensioners expect a 3.5-4% pension increase from the government in November

Consultative Council of Pensioners' Organisations reacts to the fresh KSH data

August 28, 2023 10:11

Pension expert says raising retirement age would be pointless

András Farkas says that life expectancy is the main reason why it is not realistic

magyar nyugdíjas
August 03, 2023 08:46

Pension supplements in November at the earliest, but experts say it will be pretty much nothing

Finance Minister responds to head of pensioners' association

Ezentúl minden héten egy bizottság dönt a nyugdíjak utalásáról
August 02, 2023 09:20

Higher pension supplement may come in November, expert says

There may not be a supplement in the summer, however

nyugdíjas nő megtakarítás nyugdíjcélú megtakarítás
July 25, 2023 09:41

Expert outlines six steps that could make Hungarian pension reform a success

A fairer, more transparent and modern system is needed, says András Farkas

Havi 50 ezer forintot kaphatnak egyes nyugdíjasok az Alkotmánybíróság döntése alapján
July 12, 2023 09:42

Pension: the Women40 scheme could change because of a court ruling

Gabriella Selmeczi, deputy leader of the Fidesz parliamentary group, raised the issue

magyar nyugdíjas
July 11, 2023 12:21

Time has come for Hungarian pensioners to fall into poverty

Exclusive analysis by pensions expert András Farkas

Idén és jövőre is lesz extra nyugdíj
July 11, 2023 09:35

Pensioners' Council addresses Viktor Orbán in an open letter

High inflation makes their subsistence insecure

nyugdíj átlagnyugdíj nyugdíjemelés nyugdíjas infláció
July 10, 2023 10:30

Mid-year adjustment of pensions to inflation may not happen

Terribly unpleasant news for pensioners

forint bankjegy húszezer
June 22, 2023 17:07

Shocking data show why the Hungarian budget is in trouble

Fiscal foundation groaning and creaking

ipari termelés dolgozó worker fizetés
June 15, 2023 10:40

There is a huge pay gap between companies of different size in Hungary

Is it HUF 300,000 or 600,000?