Label: "earnings"

készpénz forint húszezres bankjegy érme mnb jegybank magyar pénz cash
October 20, 2023 11:12

How much zing can be added to consumption in Hungary?

By Zoltán Árokszállási

October 12, 2023 10:20

HUF 400,000 minimum wage in sight, agreement on the Hungarian horizon

Wage compensation on its way too

dolgozó worker gyár gyári munkás ipar fizetés
September 25, 2023 08:55

Hungary gross average wage HUF 560,000 in July

Wage growth diminishes

September 25, 2023 08:32

Events ramp up this week, but nothing beats the interest rate decision

We're in for an exciting week

Itt a 700 ezres fizetés a Lidlnél, cégautó is jár hozzá
September 11, 2023 15:08

Lidl raises wages for the second time this year

21-43% hike in 2023 alone

Már 300 ezer forintot kereshetsz az áruházakban
September 06, 2023 09:11

Grim data from Hungarian stores - the worst is not over yet!

Volume of retail sales drops on a quarterly basis

Még mindig nem árulják el, mennyi lehet a minimálbér januártól
September 01, 2023 16:12

Hungary minimum wage could be raised substantially under new proposal

Draft on the agenda of the Permanent Consultative Forum of the Private Sector and the Government

August 24, 2023 10:51

Real wage declines 3.5% in Hungary

In annual terms in June

August 22, 2023 09:45

Hungary OTP chief Csányi talks about dividend payment

Chairman-CEO expects a record year

jackson hole wyoming usa fed
August 21, 2023 08:30

A small town in Wyoming to steal the show this week

Everyone anxious to hear what the Fed has to say

July 25, 2023 13:00

Hungarian employees' financial woes ease, but no real recovery yet

Real wage trends still negative

July 20, 2023 09:44

How much does a manual worker earn in Hungary now? The latest data is out!

Here are the new quarterly earnings figures

Félnek a magyar cégek a minimálbér emelésétől
July 08, 2023 17:00

Hungarian earnings are worth bupkis, dismal EU report shows

And the tax burden is also high for low-income earners.

idős dolgozó worker munkavállaló
June 23, 2023 08:30

No unemployment in Hungary despite crisis

Employment at high level

ipari termelés dolgozó worker fizetés
June 15, 2023 10:40

There is a huge pay gap between companies of different size in Hungary

Is it HUF 300,000 or 600,000?

áruház élelmiszer bevásárlás gyümölcs
June 06, 2023 12:50

Hungarian stores got the hardest kick in the gut in the entire EU

Retail trade hasn't decline this much anywhere else

June 06, 2023 08:45

Hungarian shops show grim figures, no turnaround in sight yet

Retail trade down in monthly terms again

ipar termelés worker dolgozó gyártósor bérek keresetek
May 24, 2023 09:20

Hungary average gross wage reaches HUF 578,000 - Price-wage spiral awakened?

Gross average wage at companies is nearly HUF 600,000