Label: "earnings"

January 25, 2024 08:20

Pay deal reached at Budapest Public Utilities: 13.5% pay rise

A wage agreement signed

gyár termelés worker
January 23, 2024 08:54

November average gross earnings stood at HUF 621,000

REal wages have also grown

bankjegy forint
December 21, 2023 09:22

Median net income in Hungary stands at HUF 318,000

The rate of wage growth is slightly down, but real wages are already picking up

worker dolgozó munkás
November 23, 2023 09:23

Fall in real wages ends in Hungary, but workers cannot breathe a sigh of relief just yet

Any real positive impact will only be felt after the next wage negotiations

November 22, 2023 15:47

Hungarian teachers make new strike demands

Want 50% pay rise

naptár 2023
November 20, 2023 08:32

MNB decision almost certainly predictable, but there are other important data to come this week

Deputy Governor Barnabás Virág has already "shot the punchline"

November 16, 2023 14:23

Deal reached on Hungary's 2024 minimum wage hike

Lowest wages to be raised as soon as December

November 16, 2023 09:25

Agreement reportedly reached on Hungary's minimum wage hike

Lowest wages could rise from December

dolgozó worker gyár gyári munkás ipar fizetés
November 02, 2023 17:14

Wage increase to be rushed in Hungary

Minimum wage to be raised sooner

építkezés, építőipar, beruházás
November 02, 2023 09:25

How much will wages rise in Hungary? A bitter pill for workers to swallow

Inflation could be the main issue, while there will be no wage boom either

October 31, 2023 13:15

Hungarians may not have to wait for wage increase until January

Minimum wage may be raised already in December

young factory worker gyári munkás
October 24, 2023 09:12

A turnaround in wages is near in Hungary - Or is it?

Real wage still down in August

dolgozó worker gyár gyári munkás ipar kereset fizetés
October 20, 2023 15:00

Sad news for Hungarian workers: wage boom is not exactly around the corner

Decelerating inflation does not create land of honey and milk

készpénz forint húszezres bankjegy érme mnb jegybank magyar pénz cash
October 20, 2023 11:12

How much zing can be added to consumption in Hungary?

By Zoltán Árokszállási

October 12, 2023 10:20

HUF 400,000 minimum wage in sight, agreement on the Hungarian horizon

Wage compensation on its way too

dolgozó worker gyár gyári munkás ipar fizetés
September 25, 2023 08:55

Hungary gross average wage HUF 560,000 in July

Wage growth diminishes

September 25, 2023 08:32

Events ramp up this week, but nothing beats the interest rate decision

We're in for an exciting week

Itt a 700 ezres fizetés a Lidlnél, cégautó is jár hozzá
September 11, 2023 15:08

Lidl raises wages for the second time this year

21-43% hike in 2023 alone

Már 300 ezer forintot kereshetsz az áruházakban
September 06, 2023 09:11

Grim data from Hungarian stores - the worst is not over yet!

Volume of retail sales drops on a quarterly basis