The economy grew at the end of last year but remains on a low flame
Here's the other side of the coin
Q4 2024 figures significantly improved
Five and a half years after the property was bought by the Hungarian state
Much-anticipated turnaround failed to materialise
Several problems uncovered
Economy Minister Márton Nagy announces details
Experts assess the latest figures
Prospect still not bright, but there are small glimmers of hope
Pre-emption right exercised by company owned by the capital
In the fourth quarter of 2024
No sign of recovery on the horizon
Pécs-Szigetvár expressway project resurrected
Exclusive interview with Jan Mischke, partner of the McKinsey Global Institute
Output grows in October
Márton Nagy discloses details of programme announced in mid-November
Hungarians' economic mood has now really taken a turn for the worse
Sector limping heavily
20% more companies terminated than a year earlier
Overall trend still downward, but housing permits show some signs of life