Label: "construction"

December 18, 2023 08:44

Hungarians' confidence in the economy on the rise

GKI Economic Sentiment Index rose to a nine-month high

építkezés shutterstock
December 15, 2023 09:40

Hungarian construction sector's production increased in October

However, prospects are still not bright

vasut budapest-belgrad
December 08, 2023 08:51

Chinese company without any EU reference to build complex railway parts in Hungary

The train control system and the safety equipment of the Budapest-Belgrade line

Forradalmi megoldás az építőiparban - Egyre látványosabbak az építkezések
November 27, 2023 09:05

Highest number of construction starts recorded in a surprising part of Hungary

Budapest still not in the lead

November 23, 2023 09:58

Foreign firms in Hungarian construction industry must be prevented from building with foreign products - minister

Local small and large businesses must be prioritised

250 milliárd forintnyi állami ingyenpénzt osztottak ki lakásokra eddig
November 17, 2023 09:15

Hungary is not the only country in Europe where housing construction has plummeted

The world of housebuilders has changed a lot

November 15, 2023 09:35

Hungarian gov't prepares for massive further expropriations for the Budapest-Belgrade railway

A new draft decree lists thousands of properties

November 13, 2023 10:01

Market analysts optimistic about the expected Q3 GDP data for 2023

Fresh GDP data tomorrow, maybe the Hungarian recession will finally end

November 13, 2023 09:10

Hungary's construction sector in bad shape, but worst is yet to come

Stock of contracts contracts

házépítés építkezés
November 06, 2023 10:00

Housing construction plummets - Turnaround still a long way in Hungary

Number of new dwellings down 21% yr/yr in January-September

Kocsisor araszol az M7-es autópálya bevezetõ szakaszán Budapest határában. A nagyszámú hazatérõ miatt több kilométeres kocsisor alakult ki.
October 24, 2023 10:03

Public increasingly confident, companies cautious in Hungary - GKI

Economic Research Institute's economic sentiment index stagnated in October

építőipar építkezés
October 16, 2023 10:35

Hungary's construction sector dashes even the faintest hopes

August turns out feeble

October 11, 2023 08:57

Hungarian gov't seen backing down from megalomaniac lake project

Greenpeace message gets through

September 26, 2023 16:55

Gov't further increases the budget for the Budapest-Belgrade railway line

Another HUF 1.648 billion added to the already hefty sum

vállalkozás komor generációváltás
September 25, 2023 08:55

Arrival of autumn dampens Hungarian economic sentiment

GKI confidence index fell in September

September 19, 2023 12:25

Hungary construction industry faces 2024 with gloomy prospects, but there is good news

ÉVOSZ President makes important proposals

gyárépítés, beruházás, építőipar, gyárlétesítés
September 15, 2023 09:00

Hungary's construction sector shows surprising leap

July brings about massive growth

September 06, 2023 17:24

Hungary stats office explains enormous change in investment data

Revision was massive

August 28, 2023 09:10

Hungarian economy starting to regain its footing?

GKI's August indices show slight improvement in economic sentiment and consumer confidence