Label: "MNB"

November 19, 2019 15:02

Hungary central bank sheds light on no change rate decision

Rationale arrives

November 19, 2019 14:00

Hungary's central bank holds policy meeting

No change in monetary policy conditions, as expected

November 18, 2019 14:38

Housing price rise has already declined in Budapest, cenbank finds

More than half of new homes under development in the capital city suffred delays

Átlagosan évente 16 000 forinttal kurtítják meg a szülők gyermekük malacperselyét
November 18, 2019 10:52

Hungary debt rate slightly down in Q3

While nominal value sets new record

November 18, 2019 10:43

It could cause very big problems if Hungary's cenbank had an exchange rate target - Matolcsy

MNB chief speaks before parliamentary committe

November 18, 2019 08:58

Hungary central bank policy session to save the week

No rate change expected, however

October 30, 2019 16:28

4iG assigned B+ rating ahead of bond issue

IT group gears up for HUF 30 bn issue

October 22, 2019 15:00

Hungary central bank provides rationale for unchanged interest rate conditions

Key messages remain the same

mnb jegybank hungary
October 22, 2019 14:00

Hungary central bank holds policy meeting

Monetary Council takes decision on interest rate conditions

mnb shutter
October 22, 2019 10:38

MNB pumps excess liquidity into banking system

FX swap tender increases liquidity by HUF 50 bn

europai unió magyarország zászló
October 21, 2019 12:38

Hungary's public debt to jump, as country loses two key cases

Versus Eurostat in accounting issues

October 21, 2019 11:49

Winds have changed - How will the Hungarian central bank react?

Monetary easing in the next few months may be on the cards

October 21, 2019 08:14

Investors to keep an eye on Hungary rate decision

Outgoing ECB president to hold last session this week

October 18, 2019 16:09

Hungarian households stock up on superbond in Q3

Total government securities up HUF 670 bn

October 17, 2019 15:25

Hungary central bank VP: "Many have misjudged inflation but we were right"

Nagy calls for renewal in banking

October 17, 2019 09:58

Alteo to hold HUF 9.3 bn bond issue

Under central bank's corporate bond programme

October 15, 2019 13:03

Duna Aszfalt completes HUF 30 bn bond issue

Under central bank's corporate bond programme

October 11, 2019 09:56

Hungarians love cash, even the 'superbond' cannot make it go away

Here are the latest statistics by the central bank