Label: "MNB"

Nagy Márton mnb alelnök
February 13, 2020 10:25

Hungary ready to deploy every tool to combat inflation - Deputy Governor

Interview with Márton Nagy

February 13, 2020 09:00

Hungary consumer prices jump in January more than anyone expected

CPI print exceeds even the highest estimate

virágbolt kassza
February 12, 2020 09:05

Rise of consumer prices reaches pain threshold in Hungary

Inflation did not stop accleration in 2019

mnb epulet
February 11, 2020 11:57

Hungary central bank foundations sell off HUF 50 bn in property

Pallas Athena sheds offices

sorban állás_emberek_getty_stock
February 10, 2020 10:39

Crazy rush: Hungary's favourate saving soaks up thousands of billions

Government securities have a great run

February 10, 2020 08:45

Hungary to release Q4 growth data this week

Credit rating may also be upgraded

gyár gyártás autógyár factory worker
February 03, 2020 09:10

Hungary's Q4 economic performance to become clearer this week

December retail, industry data will complete Q4 puzzle

getty, budapest, panráma, buda, házak, légifotó,
January 29, 2020 10:54

House price rise tapers a lot in Hungary

Central bank publishes update

January 28, 2020 15:14

Hungary forint an inch from all-time high

After rate-setting meeting

mnb epulet
January 28, 2020 15:14

Coronavirus makes it to Hungary cenbank statement

MNB certain that inflation will abate

January 28, 2020 14:00

Hungary central bank holds policy meeting

Monetary Council delivers no surprise

January 27, 2020 15:04

Hungary cenbank gives temporary boost to forint

Here's the result of the FX swap tender

mnb epulet
January 27, 2020 10:36

Hungary cenbank to make no move on Tuesday but it's getting there

Inflation and forint cause headache

london brexit
January 27, 2020 09:50

Rate decisions to dominate the week in Hungary and abroad

The last week of the UK in the EU

January 23, 2020 12:05

Hungary forint at all-time high - Market takes the MNB for a spin

What will be the central bank's move?

January 20, 2020 17:35

Central bank props up forint at Monday auction

No bids accepted at FX swap tender

January 20, 2020 10:03

Time to reform the euro in 2022, Hungary central bank chief says

Matolcsy calls for reforms as Maastricht Treaty turns 30

January 14, 2020 11:11

Cash still rules supreme in Hungary

Currency stock up 8.3% y/y in December

kínai jüan
January 10, 2020 13:52

Central banks of Hungary and China double bilateral currency swap agreement

Renwing it for another three years

January 09, 2020 09:40

Hungary buys back USD 800 mn of dollar bonds

Ahead of maturity in January