Label: "MNB"

budapest parlament magyarország eső vihar
March 28, 2022 09:10

Public debt in focus this week in Hungary

Weekly macro calendar not exactly packed

March 24, 2022 14:35

Hungary's inflation to ebb only from second half of 2022 - MNB

Central bank estimates worsen, but bank retains mid-term optimism

hentes húsbolt hús
March 24, 2022 13:01

Hungary inflation would be well above 10% without price caps - cenbank

MNB calculates impacts of price freezes

parlament orszaggyules
March 24, 2022 12:23

Hungary central bank assesses economic impacts of Russia-Ukraine war

It will be painful, the only question is how badly it will hurt

March 24, 2022 09:24

Hungary central bank raises 1-week deposit rate

By less than expected

virág barnabás mnb
March 24, 2022 08:44

Hungary central bank had no choice but to send a strong message - Virág

MNB Deputy Governor talks rate outlook, inflation

forint mnb épület sötét magyar jegybank
March 22, 2022 17:11

Runaway inflation, stalling economy - Hungary central bank publishes new forecasts

MNB releases updated CPI, GDP estimates

March 22, 2022 15:40

Hungary publishes rationale for 100bp rate hike

MNB turns a lot more gloomier

virág barnabás mnb bef
March 22, 2022 15:28

Hungary c.banker promises lengthy tightening, as war impacts everything

Deputy Governor talks about rationale behind rate hike

March 22, 2022 14:02

Hungary central bank raises base rate 100 basis points

Updated estimates on their way

MNB épület getty
March 21, 2022 08:50

Hungary cenbank in a most difficult position, it should predict the unpredictable

Updated CPI, GDP prognoses coming up

March 21, 2022 08:05

Hungary central bank updated forecasts to be released amid war news

MNB may already try to take war impacts into consideration

March 17, 2022 09:10

Hungary central bank does not raise benchmark rate

No stepping on the brakes today

Így reagált a forint a kamatdöntésre, már csak a közleményt várjuk
March 10, 2022 16:15

Hungary benchmark rate reaches forecasted peak - How high will the cenbank need to raise it?

This is not the end of rate hikes for sure

March 10, 2022 10:00

Hungary central bank raises benchmark rate 50 basis points

MNB in action again

Drágább lehet a kenyér ősszel
March 09, 2022 11:04

Hungary cenbank measures of underlying inflation also sky-high

Worst price increase wave of almost two decades

March 08, 2022 16:02

Hungary central bank raises rates 100 basis points

MNB tightens, but not via main policy tools

March 04, 2022 12:35

Hungary cenbank says ready to use all tools available

MNB speaks up to prop up HUF close to new all-time low