Label: "MNB"

etterem etkezes draga fine dining
May 11, 2022 08:55

A graph showing how strong inflationary pressures are in Hungary

An April of skyrocketing prices

penz inflacio
May 09, 2022 08:30

All eyes on inflation, Fed in the US, CPI in focus in Hungary this week

Macroeconmic calendar for the week

May 05, 2022 09:15

Hungary central bank keeps benchmark rate on hold

Interest for 1-week deposit tender announced

vidéki házak tokaj
May 04, 2022 17:11

Hungarian central bank's house price index shows staggering data

Prices soar particularly in rural cities

MNB épület getty
April 28, 2022 09:40

Hungary central bank raises benchmark rate 30 basis points

Convergence of 1-week depo rate and base rate continues

mnb epulet
April 26, 2022 15:50

Hungary MNB publishes rationale behind 100bp rate hike

Lists practically the same reasons as a month ago

matolcsy györgy mnb
April 26, 2022 15:24

Hungary chief Matolcsy pledges continuation of rate hikes

Governor usually does not hold post-meeting press conference

April 26, 2022 12:10

Hungary cenbank chief Matolcsy to talk to press after policy meeting

Instead of Deputy Governor Barnabás Virág

mnb epulet
April 25, 2022 09:10

Hungary central bank has set the path but might still surprise us

Monetary Council to hold policy meeting on Tuesday

világ globe
April 25, 2022 08:14

The world is abuzz with GDP data, Hungary focuses on rate decision

The second half of the week will be busy

April 21, 2022 09:11

Hungary cenbank keeps benchmark interest rate unchanged

For the fourth consecutive week

April 14, 2022 09:20

Hungary central bank keeps benchmark policy rate on hold

1-week deposit tender announced at 6.15% interest rate

MNB épület getty
April 08, 2022 11:20

Hungary measures of underlying inflation all show marked increase

Consumer prices keep on rising

April 07, 2022 09:13

Hungary central bank leaves benchmark interest rate on hold

1-week deposit rate remains 6.15%

March 31, 2022 09:24

Hungary cenbank keeps benchmark rate on hold

At 6.15%, as expected

forint pénzköteg bankjegy
March 30, 2022 13:42

Hungary interest rates to rise to heights we have not seen for a very long time

This is not the end of rate hikes by far

March 29, 2022 09:05

Hungary central bank extends repo line with ECB

Providing euro liquidity