
Futureal is seeking for CFO (x)


Futureal is seeking for CFO
Futureal one of the leading developers in Europe and the owner of Corvin Promenade City Renewal Project - is seeking for a CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER for its Budapest headquarter.


In general:

Overall responsibility for the fields of accounting, taxation, structuring, reporting, treasury and project controlling in Hungary and Internationally.

In detail:
  • Managing the accounting, taxation, reporting, treasury and controlling activities of 100 companies in 5 countries
  • Leading a team of 10 accountants with the help of 2 chief accountants in Hungary
  • Keeping contact with external accountants, auditors and tax advisors internationally
  • Supporting the investment committee and project leaders with management reports
  • Finalizing the introduction of the management information system (MS Dynamics)
  • Restructuring the internal reporting system
  • Liquidity management of the group
  • Monthly, quarterly and annual closings, consolidation under IFRS
  • Reporting to the stock exchange, keeping contact with analysts
  • Providing consultancy for the investment funds and for the fund operator
  • Directly reporting to the group CEO & owner

  • Min. 5 years managerial experience in financial management
  • University Degree in Economics / Business
  • Experience in designing and implementing corporate-wide systems
  • Readiness to work with capital markets and banks
  • Solid tax and structuring knowledge
  • Cash flow focused approach
  • Excellent leader
  • Fluency in English and Hungarian

Apply at:

Please send your English and Hungarian CV (with photo) to . al_officer/

Kasza Elliott-tal

3M Company

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