
MOL Group is looking for IFRS financial instruments expert (x)


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MOL Group, an international integrated oil & gas company is recruiting a colleague for Accounting and Tax Department, for the following position
IFRS Financial Instruments Expert

Location: Budapest


To prepare and implement accounting regulations within the Group and comply with reporting tasks in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), with special focus on financial instruments (derivatives, hedge accounting, structured deals etc,).


  • Prepares, analyzes and implements accounting policies and practices relating to MOL Group’s t financial instruments (commodity, power, foreign exchange under IAS 32 and 39)
  • Cooperates with Risk Management, Trading and Treasury functions within MOL and its subsidiaries
  • Participates in strategic initiatives (due diligences, acquisitions, divestitures, financial projects in domestic and foreign environment)
  • Supervises monthly, quarterly and annual consolidation and IFRS reporting processes, prepares consolidated financial statements and quarterly stock exchange reports of MOL Group

Requirements for the position:

  • University or college degree in finance or accounting,
  • Excellent knowledge on international and domestic accounting standards, regulations and best practices as well as consolidation procedures
  • Special expertise in practical application of IAS 39 and IAS 32 (fair valuation, hedge accounting, effectiveness testing etc.)
  • Professional English,
  • At least 3 years professional experience, or 2 years with specialized (international reporting, trading or banking) background
  • General financial expertise
  • Focus, creativity, openness for new information
  • Excellent verbal and written communication.


  • Experience in oil, gas or power industry
  • ACCA qualification
  • Knowledge on SAP R/3
  • Experience in multinational companies or international environment

Other skills necessary:

  • Focus on delivering results and time management
  • Conflict-management
  • Problem-solving attitude
  • Analytical skills

If this advertisement has attracted your attention, please apply directly through the MOL Group Job Portal.

Your HR Recruiter Partner: Klára Kövér (06-70-373-4309)

Submission deadline for application:2010. 04. 23.

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