
QUANTIS is looking for fund analyst/ portfolio manager trainee (x)


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QUANTIS Investment Management Zrt., a leading multi-manager asset management company based in Budapest with more than USD 350m assets under management, seeks:

Fund Analyst/ portfolio manager trainee
The company invests purely through collective investment vehicles creating bespoke multi-manager portfolios for institutional and high net worth clients. QUANTIS uses an independent multi-manager approach to investing in best of breed mutual funds around the world.

QUANTIS seeks junior fund analyst/ portfolio manager in trainee position.

Contribute to the analysis and selection of 3rd party funds (both traditional and alternatives managers).
Assist with portfolio construction alongside the Chief Investment Officer.
Support the ongoing monitoring and due diligence process for model portfolios and assist in the communication of investment and related information to portfolio managers and clients.
Participate in the fund selection process.
Process RFI and due diligence related documents.
Develop fund manager database.
Support the Chief Investment Officer in day-to-day work.
Maintain contact with fund providers and gather data and information from them upon request of CIO.
Support investment decisions and investment idea generation.

The successful candidate will demonstrate strong quantitative and analytical skills and investment knowledge and be in his/her last year in university/college.

Work experience is not required
Willingness to undertake the CFA qualification
Competent IT skills
Fluent English is a must

The successful candidate should be a highly motivated self-starter with enthusiasm and commitment. The position requires strong social skills, self-confidence and the ability to be a team player.

To apply send your CV to

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