
MOL Group is looking for senior project manager (x)

MOL Group / MOL Plc. Supply & Trading Division seeks a new staff member for the following position:

Senior Project manager (Business Development)

Aim of the job:
Elaboration and implementation of gas and energy business concepts.

  • Co-ordinates business development projects
  • Monitors specific companies and energy industry trends with a special focus on energy and gas industry in the CEE region
  • Monitors business development opportunities and establishes relationships
  • Prepares analysis, prognosis and internal decision making materials

  • University degree, economist preferably with financial background
  • 3-5 years working experience
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English

Competences, way of working:
  • Good communication, presentation and negotiation skills
  • Makes sound decisions on everyday issues and solves problems
  • Professional criticism towards information
  • Thinks broadly, ability to recognise deep coherences
  • Flexibility, ability to approach ideas from diver aspects

  • Experience at blue-chip investment bank, advisory company and/or energy sector company is advantageous
  • Knowledge of business development processes
  • Negotiating experiences
  • Experiences in gas industry or energy sector
  • International experience (perfection in multicultural environment)

If this advertisement has attracted your attention, please apply directly through the MOL Group Job Portal.

Your HR Recruiter Partner: Ildikó Stemler (06-70-373-4203).

Submission deadline for application: 29 January 2009

' title='
Kasza Elliott-tal

3M Company

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