
FGSZ Ltd. is looking for junior business development analyst (x)

FGSZ Natural Gas Transmission Closed Company Limited By Shares, member of the MOL Group, Business Development organisation seeks a new staff member for the following position


Place of working: Budapest

Aim of the position: supports gas transmission business development process, project management and implementation through data analysis

  • Monitors global and Central-Eastern-European macroeconomic processes. Prepares analysis and prognosis.
  • Monitors energy industry changes, trends with special focus on gas transmission business. Prepares analysis and prognosis.
  • Monitors changes of regulation influencing energy industry activities.
  • Participates in preparing presentations on results of analysis.
  • Monitors specific companies and energy industry trends with a special focus on gas transmission business
  • Participates in analysis of new business development opportunities
  • Participates in elaboration of business concepts
  • Prepares analysis, prognosis and internal decision making materials
  • Supports work of business development managers

  • University degree, economist preferably with financial background
  • Knowledge of economic analytic methods
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
  • Thinks broadly: ability to recognise deep coherences
  • Recognises and solves problems
  • Flexibility, ability to approach ideas from diver aspects
  • Professional criticism towards information
  • Creativity and openness to new ideas
  • Good presentation, questioning and listening skills, ability to share knowledge
  • Makes sound decisions on everyday issues and problems

  • High level skills in financial modelling
  • International experience (perfection in multicultural environment)
  • Knowledge of any South-Slavic language
  • Experience in energy industry

If this advertisement has attracted your attention, please send your CV and motivation letter both in Hungarian and English to

Submission deadline for application: 2010.02.10.

' title='
Kasza Elliott-tal

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