
Access MBA Tour in Budapest (x)

Access MBA Tour in Budapest
May 29th & 30th, 2006
Sofitel Hotel, Roosevelt Ter 2, 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm

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Registration for free entrance on
Practical Information:
  • Sofitel Hotel, Roosevelt Ter 2, Budapest
  • Free entry. From 5 :30 pm to 9 :30 pm both days.
  • Mandatory pre-registration online at

General Description The Access MBA One-to-One is a targeted event focused on high quality, personalised service for MBA candidates. This event gives qualified and motivated professionals the opportunity to meet personally with the admissions directors of top-ranking international business schools.

Personal meetings with the admissions directors during 20 to 30 minutes. On site access to professional MBA orientation and GMAT/TOEFL services.

Candidates register online at and are phoned by ACCESS MBA Consultants who orientate them towards MBA programs that correspond to their profile and their wishes, and then schedule their meetings with the schools. "This approach gives everyone more time, and is highly appreciated by the candidates who then have the chance to evaluate the pertinence of their profile and their choices before going further in the application process." Christophe Coutat, Director.

Who is the ideal candidate for this event ?
The target audience for the schools that will be present are experienced business executives and managers, already holding a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.

Which schools are going to be present ?
The ACCESS MBA Tour represents only prestigious, internationally ranked and accredited business schools. In Budapest the schools present will include Cranfield School of Management (Great Britain, 3 accreditations, top 5 MBA in GB), Instituto de Empresa (Spain, 3 accreditations, top 12 MBA in the world), Robert Gordon University (Scotland, AMBA accredited, best new university in UK), University of Exeter (Great Britain, AMBA accredited, top 20 in GB), Copenhagen Business School (Denmark, AACSB accredited, top 3 in Scandinavia), SIMT (Germany, AMBA accredited, top 100 in the world), SDA Bocconi (Italy, 3 accreditations, Top 5 in Europe), CEU Business School (Hungary, Top 40 in Europe TOPMBA), ESMT (Germany).

ACCESS MBA across the world
ACCESS MBA represents a total of over 120 different MBA programs and travels to over 20 different countries throughout Europe, the Middle East, and soon North and South America. This year the ACCESS MBA Tour includes Paris, Lisbon, Brussels, Zurich, Milan, Beirut, Athens, Istanbul, Prague, Budapest, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Moscow, Warsaw, New York, and more. The next event in Hungary will take place in fall 2006.

For more information contact:
Ioana Apostol - Tel : +33 (0)8 70 20 51 47
E-mail :

Registration on to visit the ACCESS MBA event for FREE.
_________________________________________________ _____
Access MBA is part of the Advent Group, a communications agency connecting various players in the educational market including potential students, business schools and universities, media companies and corporate recruitment agencies.

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