
Conference: Hungary's financial markets in the run up to the Euro and how UK experience might assist (x)



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The British Chamber of Commerce in Hungary
in association with the British Embassy
kindly invites you to a konference on
Hungary's financial markets in the run up to the Euro
and how UK experience might assist
Date: Wednesday, 25 January 2006 (08:30-11:00); Registration from 08:30
Venue: Old Banking Hall, British Embassy (1051 Bp., Harmincad u. 6.)
Participation fee: Free of charge
Language: English

Panel members to include:
  • István Farkas, Chairman of PSZÁF
  • Mihály Mokrai, President of the Association of Financial Institutions
  • Zsigmond Járai, Chairman of the Hungarian National Bank
  • Robin McConnachie, UK expert on regulation

Moderator: HE. John Nichols
Short presentations will be followed by a panel discussion, and a question and answer session. English breakfast will be provided.
Please confirm your attendance by 23 January 2006. For further information please contact the BCCH office on 302-5200. Please bring this invitation with you to gain entry to the Embassy.
We would like to thank these companies for their contribution to make this event happen:

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