
Financial Accountant & Financial Accounting Analyst (x)


ExxonMobil is seeking qualified candidates to staff a newly established Business Support Center in Budapest. As activities will be transferring from our existing affiliates, on the job training might take place in the respective European countries.

The Accountant and Analyst will be responsible for the correct and complete recording of the company's business activities in its "books" or "ledgers".

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Ensure the completeness and the accuracy of the financial records and their compliance with ExxonMobil US and local statutory accounting standards.

  • Establish standards (coding, accounting, GAAP), monitor quality and provide feedback on quality issues to transactional process owners.

  • Maintain appropriate control over related master records, files or information systems and take corrective actions for unusual discrepancies.

  • Coordinate and participate to the month-end-close process, which includes data integrity checks, internal cost allocations, inventory valuations, foreign exchange revaluations and income tax postings.

  • Report monthly earnings and periodic Financial Statements.

  • Balance Sheet Account Management: establish standards, control accounts under own responsibility and take appropriate actions on irregular or long pending items, review accounts under responsibility of others.

  • Other reporting: Service Line costs, US Tax and Government, Local statutory and other external reporting.

  • Promote process improvement initiatives.


  • Chartered Accounting qualification or other accounting higher education (College or University).

  • Fluent English capabilities.

  • Sound knowledge of bookkeeping concepts.

  • 1-4 years accounting and/or auditing experience.

  • Sound PC skills including Microsoft Office.

  • Team oriented with good communication and interpersonal skills.

  • Ability to meet priorities and deadlines.

  • Sound analytical skills and control minded. Attention to accuracy and detail.

What we offer is:

  • An extensive accounting and business overview training

  • A competitive compensation and benefit package

  • Use of state of the art systems and processes

  • Career advancement opportunities within this large organization

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Contact us through or send yourCV in English and Hungarian to If you want to know more about ExxonMobil, please go to:


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