
250 milliárd forintnyi állami ingyenpénzt osztottak ki lakásokra eddig
November 17, 2023 09:15

Hungary is not the only country in Europe where housing construction has plummeted

The world of housebuilders has changed a lot

November 15, 2023 09:35

Hungarian gov't prepares for massive further expropriations for the Budapest-Belgrade railway

A new draft decree lists thousands of properties

irodaház, építkezés, daru
November 06, 2023 16:13

Real estate investments hit 10-year low in Hungary

This has a marked impact on yields too

házépítés építkezés
November 06, 2023 10:00

Housing construction plummets - Turnaround still a long way in Hungary

Number of new dwellings down 21% yr/yr in January-September

November 02, 2023 16:08

Hungary's housing market remains weak, but there are signs of a turnaround

October transaction number estimates released

Ismét kicsúszhat a talaj a lakáspiac lába alól?
October 31, 2023 08:35

Updated house price index made available in Hungary

Stats office carries out revision

Még mindig tolonganak a befektetők a budapesti lakásokért
October 26, 2023 11:41

What is happening to house prices? - MNB releases its latest figures

These areas were the biggest losers in the housing market lately

Hogy jutunk ki a reptérre, ha lezárják a 3-as metró déli szakaszát?
October 11, 2023 14:39

New hotel to be added to Budapest Airport

The 2nd one by WING

September 27, 2023 13:42

Rents take a big hit, Budapest sees a drop

Average prices you can now find an apartment for rent

September 25, 2023 11:24

Logistics park development enters 2nd phase in Budapest suburb

LogiCube Park project continues

September 19, 2023 12:25

Hungary construction industry faces 2024 with gloomy prospects, but there is good news

ÉVOSZ President makes important proposals

September 18, 2023 08:58

Is the hotel service charge coming to Hungarian hotels?

The proposal is now before the government

Szentkirályi Alexandra
September 14, 2023 11:41

Hungary heralds new family housing subsidy scheme

CSOK Plus to be more efficient than current programme

September 13, 2023 16:19

Correction on Hungarian housing market could last for years

No deep crisis is likely, though

új lakóház
September 13, 2023 14:45

Latest house prices published - Let's see how much a new apartment costs in Budapest districts!

Number of transactions at a low point

September 11, 2023 08:20

Hungarian residential property developers haven't been this passive for 10 years

The willingness to build condominiums is at a low point

Bevették a kínaiak az építőipart: 10-es rangsor a legnagyobbakról
September 08, 2023 17:15

Budapest dethroned - See where Hungary has the most construction activity starts

Unusual directions in Hungary's construction sector

budapest lakás
September 01, 2023 15:52

Is this already a turnaround on Hungary's housing market? - End-summer brings rebound

Whole year is still lacklustre

irodaház, millennium towers, irodapiac, dél-pest, városi növény,
August 21, 2023 11:01

CA Immo signs long-term lease for 8,000 sqm office space in Budapest

In a building directly on the bank of the river Danube