The impact of the debt crisis on our region - What will happen with the CEE region? (x), Hungary’s leading financial and investment medium, has organized its CEE Venture Capital Equity and Corporate Finance Conference sixth times since 2004. The event has become the largest PE/VC and M&A conference in the region.
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HVCA is the eleven times organizer of the active Hungarian investors only professional conference in this subject. The event is The meeting point for all industry players in Hungary, and offers an ideal frame for disputing the professional questions, industry trends and for the introduction of the latest Hungarian, regional and international developments. OUR SPEAKERS:
- Béla Seres, leading partner, Deloitte
- Csaba Lantos, entrepreneur
- Endre Szemerédi The Abel Prize Laureate 2012
- Erik Bogsch, CEO, Richter Gedeon
- Szabolcs Somlai-Fischer, co-founder,
- Zoltán Tóth, board member, Euroventures Zrt.
- Dr. Levente Zsembery CEO, Biggeorge's NV Equity
- Péter Karli, owner, managing director, Heal Partners
- Siklósi Zoltán, managing director, Invescom Corporate Finance
- Márton Szőke, owner, Ubichem
- Budapest Stock Exchange Ltd., (speaker under confirmation)
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Conference | Speakers | Agenda | Prices | Registration FOCUS TOPICS OF THE CONFERENCE:
- Selling companies, in a recessive environment?
- What sectors promise good opportunities?
- From what should we fund a transaction?
- The present and the future of the Jeremie Programme
- Tuned to success - Company case studies
- Silicon Valley in the Carpathian Basin?
- Break-out opportunities in the TMT sector
- private equity & venture capital investors
- corporate finance experts
- Entrepreneurs and business owners seeking private equity and venture capital financing
- financial directors
- financing experts
- consultants
- lawyers
New registrations will not be accepted at the site. We are only expecting guests, who registered online in advance. THE EVENT: DATE: June 7, 2012 PLACE: Hilton Budapest, Buda Castle (1014 Budapest, Hess András tér 1-3. HUNGARY) Hotel Information, Map & Location COST: HUF 89,900 + VAT / person Fee includes: conference documentation, full lunch and coffee breaks. The conference is bilingual with English-Hungarian simultaneous interpretation. DISCOUNTS:
- 10% discount is available for 2 registrations,
- 20% on 3 or more and
- 30% for Members of HVCA.
The reason of discounts write in Notes, please.
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Conference | Speakers | Agenda | Prices | Registration PARTICIPANTS OF THE CEE PRIVATE EQUITY AND CORPORATE FINANCE CONFERENCE 2011: 3TS Venture Partners OY Közvetlen Ker. Képviselet, A.T. Kearney, Advent International, Allen & Overy Iroda, Aon Global Client Network, Aon Mergers & Acquisitions Solutions, ARX Equity Partners, Bank Gutmann, BDO Magyarország Tanácsadó Kft., CIG Pannónia Életbiztosító Nyrt., Citibank Europe Plc. Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Central-Fund Zrt., CMS Cameron McKenna LLP., Compleo Tanácsadó Kft., Concorde Vállalati Pénzügyek Kft., Corporate Finance Partners Kft., Corvinus Kockázati Tőkealap-kezelő Zrt., DBH Investment Kockázati Tőkealap-kezelő Zrt., Deloitte, EETEK Holding Zrt., Enterprise Investors, Ernst & Young Tanácsadó Kft., Erős Ügyvédi Iroda / Squire, Sanders & Dempsey (US) LLP, Erste Group Bank AG, EST MEDIA Nyrt., Euroventures Zrt., Finext Startup Zrt., Forgó, Damjanovic és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda; Global M&A, Goldman Sachs, GSG Partners, iEurope Group, Info Befektetésszervező és Ingatlanforgalmazó Kft., Kajtár Takács Hegymegi-Barakonyi Baker & McKenzie Ügyvédi Iroda, KBC Securities Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Képzési és Tudásmenedzsment Innovációs Kft., KPMG Tanácsadó kft., Kürt Zrt., Magyar Kockázati- és Magántőke Egyesület (HVCA), Magyar Telekom Nyrt., Mazars Kft., MB Partners Zrt., Medicover zRt., Metacom Holding Zrt., Mid Europa Partners, MORANDO Kockázati Tőkealap-kezelő Zrt., MP Corporate Finance, MTA Kísérleti Orvostudományi Kutatóintézet, NESsT, NOERR & Társai Iroda, Pearl Natural Kft., PortfoLion Kockázati Tőkealap-kezelő Zrt., PricewaterhouseCoopers Kft., Primus Capital Venture Management Ltd., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Réczicza White & Case LLP, Ridge Road Kft., Riverside Kft., Rothschild, Salgglas Zrt., SCD Alapkezelő Zrt., Schönherr Hetényi Ügyvédi Iroda, UBS AG Magyarországi Bankképviselete, UniCredit CAIB Magyarország Zrt., Várdy és Partner Kft., VJT & Partners Ügyvédi Iroda, Wallis Asset Management Zrt., Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, White & Case, Wolf Theiss Ügyvédi Iroda... The conference, which will also introduce the biggest transactions of the past year, offers great possibilities not only to obtain new and highly valuable information on the trade but also to establish new and nurture existing professional relations. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Sponsorship: Balázs AGÓCS, Deputy CEO / Sales, Phone: +00 36 1/327-4088, e-mail: Organization, general questions: András BENKŐ, Conference Organizer - Event Manager, e-mail: HVCA: Other information:Zsuzsanna TAKÁCS, + 36 1 475 0924; E-mail: (x)