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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák



Benjámin Feldmájer

Sustainability Manager
Schneider Electric Zrt.
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Zsolt Feldman

State Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture
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Péter Felfalusi

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Gábor Felföldi

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Beáta Olga Felkai

Deputy State Secretary
Agricultural Ministry
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Tamás Fellegi

nemzetközi tárgyalásokért felelős tárca nélküli miniszter
Magyarország Kormánya
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Gábor Fellner

Key account expert
EXTOR Elektronikai Kft.
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Dr. Gábor Felsen

ingatlanfinanszírozási csoport vezetője
Köves Clifford Chance Ügyvédi Iroda
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Balázs Felsmann

senior research associate
Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research, Chairman of the Hungarian Energy Traders’ Association
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Dr. Zoltán Fényi

Vezető jogtanácsos, Jogi törzskar
Sberbank Magyarország Zrt.
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Nóra Fenyvesi

Professional Project Manager
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Zoltán Ferencz

értékesítési osztályvezető
Generali Providencia Biztosító Zrt.
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Bálint Ferenczhalmy

Head of market research
OTP Bank
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Attila Ferenczi

Recobin Ltd.
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Dr. Kristóf Ferenczi

Andrékó Ferenczi Kinstellar
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Claudius Ferentz

Secure Legal Title
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Zayn Fernandes

regional finance director
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Ferenc Fernezelyi

Commercial and Marketing Director
Veolia Hungary
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Ariel Ferstman

Chief Financial Officer
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Olga Ferter

Dutrade Zrt.
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Katalin Fészki-Fehér

Director of HR
Waberer's Group
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Dr. Dániel Feszty

Total Vehicle Development, Expert
AUDI Hungaria Motor Kft.
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István Fetter

Head of Small Business Division
CIB Csoport
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Robert Feuer

Warburg Pincus
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Frederic Feuillais

közép- és kelet-európai regionális igazgató
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Daniel Feurstein

Manager, Monitor Deloitte Strategy
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Irene Fialka

Chief Executive Officer
INiTS Universitäres Gründerservice Wien GmbH
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Małgorzata Fibakiewicz

Head of Office Department
BNP Paribas Real Estate Poland
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Justyna Filipczak

Head of CEE
Cromwell Property Group
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Dóra Fináczy

Marketing Manager
FHB Bank
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