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Zsolt Maráczi

Company: Társaság a Lakásépítésért Egyesület
Job title: Executive Chairman
Lawyer since 2003, the managing president of the Társaság a Lakásépítésért Egyesület (TLE - association for home building society). In 2010 he participated in writing the Otthonteremtési Program javaslat (creating homes program proposal), and the material titled Bérlakásépítés & Építészet (dwellings and architecture). Since 2008 member of the Nemzeti Lakáspolitikai Tanácsadó Testület (National housing policy advisory board), and since 2010 the member of the Otthonteremtési Tanácsadó Testület (home creating advisory council).

Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conferences:

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