Magdolna Tokai has almost 20 years of professional experience, mainly in the energy sector (MOL and MVM), and has held several management positions in both Hungary and in the region. Magdolna started her career at MOL Group, where she first held management and CEO positions in the Croatian subsidiaries, at the INA Group and then at Tifon, participated in INA’s IPO, negotiated syndicated loan agreements and also led the growth and agile transformation of Tifon. After she left the MOL Group, she continued her career at MVM, where she served as Deputy CEO for Strategy and Business Development and was also responsible for support functions. She has headed numerous M&A (conventional, renewable power plant and infrastructure) projects; participated in strategy development and bond issuance projects. Additionally, she has also coordinated the establishment and operation of MVM Group’s first service center (SSC). She is committed to creating equal opportunities.