Company: Head of focus country, Continental Hungary
Job title: Managing Director of Continental Hungaria Kft.
Graduated as a commercial economist at the College of Szolnok (formerly College of Trade end Economics), with a qualification in the field of PR, marketing and advertisement. From 2011 to 2014, he participated in the Leadership programme of the Ashridge Business School. He is also a certified Hungarian-English translator. He commenced his professional career in the field of commerce and marketing in 2000 at FSG Hungaria Kft., a subsidiary of Continental operating the 'pneus expert' franchise network. In 2004, he started working for Continental Hungaria Kft., where he was charged with tasks regarding the "Autósház" business unit, vehicle lease companies and the development of new distribution fields. It was followed by many years of experience gained in Australia, where he dealt with business development. Since 2009, he is the managing director of Continental Hungaria Kft. A founding member of the Hungarian Tire Association, and elected president in 2012-2013. Since 2013, he is the head of focus country, Continental Hungary.
Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conferences: