Olívia Mesics graduated from Eötvös Loránd University as a teacher, cultural manager, sociologist (majoring in change management and HR) and economist, and in 2020, she obtained a doctorate in business economics and management at the University of Sopron. She has been working at Opel Szentgotthárd plant since 1997. She spent 16 years in Human Relations, also as Manager HR, 7 years in manufacturing as Production Manager, deputy Plant Manager (Operations Manager) and Strategic Planning Manager. From October 19, 2020, she is the Plant Manager & Managing Director of Opel Szentgotthárd.
Szentgotthard plant currently produces two modern, internal combustion turbo gasoline engines, and the future production of an electric drive module has also been announced.
Olívia Mesics will be our speaker at the following event:
26th - 27th March 2025, ETO Park Hotel Business and Stadium
This year, European car manufacturers face significant challenges again, forcing many to scale back their plans. The shift to electric vehicles has already brought about one of the biggest changes in the automotive industry. A challenging macroeconomic environment, the difficulties... More
Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conferences: