Job title: Industrial Digitalization Business Unit Manager
Ferenc Nyírő graduated from the Faculty of Transport Engineering of BME with a mechanical engineering degree in 1989. Following a 3-year practice as an industrial engineer he joined his current workplace. He played a key role in disseminating up-to-date 3D CAD/CAM technologies in Hungary, by introducing the Pro/ENGINEER system (today called Creo). In 2010 under his direction S&T Consulting has started the country’s largest CAD/CAM training program, CreoStart.
Ferenc Nyirő will be our speaker at the following event:
26th - 27th March 2025, ETO Park Hotel Business and Stadium
This year, European car manufacturers face significant challenges again, forcing many to scale back their plans. The shift to electric vehicles has already brought about one of the biggest changes in the automotive industry. A challenging macroeconomic environment, the difficulties... More
Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conferences: