Gábor Németh is the Deputy General Manager of Engineering and Maintenance at Zoltek Zrt. Before that, he worked in similar positions in the energy service and the paper industry. He has nearly 30 years of energy and facility operation experience. He obtained his MSC degree (mechanical engineering) at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, then completed the MBA and Facility Management courses at the same university. He currently manages the service department of Zoltek Zrt, including energy procurement. He has been a board member of the Hungarian Industrial Energy Consumers’ Association (IEF) for two years and vice president of the Hungarian Chemical Industry Association (MAVESZ) for almost a year.
Gábor Németh will be our speaker at the following event:
In Europe, Hungary continues to have some of the highest gas and electricity prices for companies, meaning that both small and large businesses still face the pressure to reduce their energy costs through energy efficiency and renewable energy investments, as... More
Previously attended as speaker on the following Portfolio conferences: